No chance of a good farmer getting a payout when they changed the rules so a good farmers margin is now the same as a poor farmers margin. Yep thats the conservative way.
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accountant advised against it.
so never went in.
i have built up a decent agrinvest
account . (for how ever many years it has been) for the hard times surely to
only to see that figure ,
that entire amount clawed back (or transferred in basis ) to the grain co.s. in one year.
( kinda sick feeling)
it really points out that you can manage the safety net all you want.
it becomes meaningless ,
when you stand by and let the whole system go to hell.
Places like Germany/ Norway have economic strategy's ,
where is ours?
world prices were not horrible.
we just could not access them.
it did not hurt the grain. co.s
or the rail roads. at all, ( so why would they bother fixing it) but it did hurt the country.
why do we bother electing anyone if their job is to do nothing.
i think the govt. actually
has a job. other than the corporate enabler we have now..
and who here thinks the little railroad fines, have cured our flawed transportation system?
I remember my accountant tried to talk me into it and I initially fell for it. After a bunch of info gathering on inventories and what not I told him this is a waste because I am a mixed farmer and there's no chance of ever collecting anything. Oh he was just about crying that I decided to not go on. Buggers still charged me $900 for what little they did. I am glad I terminated it before it cost me any more. Agstab is just govt window dressing; the store is empty. Put the money into research, public breeding, crop ins etc. the proactive things. These complex and ad hoc programs don't do anything to address the real problems.
That's a laugh ! CN paid $100 k , CP refused to pay $50 k ? It's a joke , we lost more than that on own farm easily .
My opinion would be put all money crop ins and agstab abollish them. Put the money into ag invest. No accountant to pay. No govt paid auditors. Actually we could have half the gov't input money let farmers do their own safety. Ones that do not are gone poblem solved. I suppose I talk tuff but it is correct is it not?
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