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    Benjamin Franklin also said
    ":Geese are but Geese tho' we may think 'em Swans; and Truth will be Truth tho' it sometimes prove mortifying and distasteful."


      The article at about ISIS and titled "What ISIS Really Wants", was researched by Graeme Wood.

      These are his credentials, Charliep:

      Graeme Wood is a lecturer in political science at Yale University, a contributing editor to The Atlantic and The New Republic, and books editor of Pacific Standard.

      He was a reporter at The Cambodia Daily in Phnom Penh in 1999, then lived and wrote in the Middle East from 2002 to 2006. He has received fellowships from the Social Sciences Research Council (2002-2003), the South Asian Journalists Association (2009), the East-West Center (2009-2010), and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Center for the Prevention of Genocide (2013-2014). He has appeared many times on television and radio (CNN, ABC, BBC, MSNBC, et al.), was the screenwriter of a Sundance Official Selection (2010, short film), and led a Nazi-hunting expedition to Paraguay for a History Channel special in 2009.

      Graeme attended Deep Springs College, Harvard, Indiana University, and the American University in Cairo.


        Now that we were so sharp on that quote , give me some quotes relating to this thread from the bible.
        Wonder how long I will have to wait for one!!!


          Graeme Wood not only examined ISIS
          and the influence, and effect, its' leader, Baghdadi, is wielding on Al Qaeda, and other Islamic groups in the Middle East, but Wood explains some of the things they have in common.

          For example, the taxing of infidels is called jizya. Islam needs money in perpetuity, and taxing infidels provides them with money. No sects disagree with the taxing measure jizya.

          As well, he explains that the Koran does require slavery, crucifixion and beheading as punishments as long as a caliphate is established.

          And Baghdadi has established a recognized caliphate, with increasing numbers of followers thronging in to help ISIS.

          Wood interviewed countless key people, but not only from ISIS. He refers to many of he intellectual leaders of Islam from different sects of Islam, including Magdisi, the "intellectual architect" of Al Qaeda

          You might be saying to yourself, "what does this have to do with me?"

          There are two things that stood out.

          Firstly, Wood concludes there is only one bone of contention between the squabbling sects. Only one. And that is ISIS 's insistence on takfiri, which is the act of proclaiming someone an apostate (a turncoat)

          Only one major hurdle to fix.

          The second is the caliphate's view of foreign countries: Wood says ISIS is in "offensive jihad" mode. Wood says ISIS can now, according to the requirements of the Koran, begin "the offensive expansion into countries ruled by non-Muslims.

          er, that would be us.

          ISIS has money. Land. Moral permission. Over 10,000 followers. Weapons. Fervour. And balls.

          So you see, Charliep, it's just a tad bit more than rambling a by a hometown reporter about a raggedy terrorist cult in faraway land.

          ISIS needs to expand their territory and get themselves some new land.



            Which reminds me ... a few blurbs about Italy this morning, that I don't quite catch. I'm sure it was nothing. Pars


              I have read the article. Don't necessarily agree with all that is being said but well researched. My interpretation is that it is in fact about ISIS and their Sunni islam view of things. A significant portion is about the how Sunnis view Shia Muslims. A lot more complicated that you are portraying. The article does not take on the Muslim religion but rather how one group abuses it to justify their ends.

              Where I do disagree is your interpretation of the article. I don't think you understand what the author is saying or the bigger picture of what is going in the region. I am not by any means an expert either. I do care about my neighbours including Muslims who simply to practice their faith. I also enjoy the rights of freedom of speech and religion. ISIS is a threat but the outcomes of a more intolerant Canada are my worry.


                Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.

                -sorry Pars couldn't resist,lol


                  Kinda threw the thing about CWB powers in as an aside, not really relevant to the Islam religion, but was mentioned in a previous post. However, it does speak to freedom, and yes I remember 4 bushel quotas.
                  I could make money under the CWB, as it was apparent every month statscan would report wheat stocks and projected prices would move MW and then about the 22nd of the month CWB would announce pricing, sell a contract and buy it back was profitable almost every month. Wonder if the BOD had any insight on that.
                  How much public condemnation of beheadings comes from the community here in Canada. Would you join such a dedicated religion?


                    " their are none so blind as those who will not see " Good quote imo. It's not just a few radicals that are causing the problem, look at history look at the battle of tours in AD 732, if it wasn't for one smart general, all of europe and western civilization would have been gone because that was the last stand for the christian armies against the invading muslims, as has been stated many times already, the muslim religion has no tolerance for any other religion, and you can be an arab and not a muslim ( just ask the relatives of the arab christians who were recently be-headed. ) North America was founded on a belief in God, not allah and his prophet mohammad. When people want to kill me because i'm not a muslim then they've crossed the line of religious tolerance. when they want to change our laws to suit themselves, they've crossed the line of religious tolerance. Some seem to want to minimize what the muslim religion is all about, i'm guessing charliep that you are in the let them kill us camp . Sometime down the road we will have to fight for freedom again.


                      Charliep - "The article does not take on the Muslim religion but rather how one group abuses it to justify their ends."

                      Which part of the Muslim religion, would you say, is having the biggest impact on the world today?

                      Or attracting the most support? This is not a local or passing phenomenon.

                      Muslims around the world, regardless of their level of activity, should be viewed as sleepers that can and will be mobilized by the blood lust inherent in their roots.

                      I think you are missing the point that ISIS is the true and clear expression of its so-called prophet, Mohammed.
                      Is it reluctance driven by sheer repulsion that makes it so hard for us as soft westerners to accept this?

                      We underestimate it at our own peril.


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