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    There are not a lot of solutions withterrorists who believe in a caliphate.
    The only way to eradicate ISIS a from the earth is for them to all be killed. Bomb the hell out of them in the Middle East, CSIS should track down the members in Canada and strategically detain or kill them.

    After Obama is out of office maybe the US will start taking Islamic terrorism seriously again too?


      From the NationalReport:2014


      in a surprise weekend vote, the city council of Dearborn, Michigan voted 4-3 to became the first US city to officially implement all aspects of Sharia Law. The tough new law, slated to go into effect January 1st, addresses secular law including crime, politics and economics as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, fasting, prayer, diet and hygiene.
      The new law could see citizens stoned for adultery or having a limb amputated for theft. Lesser offenses, such as drinking alcohol or abortion, could result in flogging and/or caning. In addition, the law imposes harsh laws with regards to women and allows for child marriage.
      Some in town seem to welcome the new legislation while others have denounced the move as “abhorrent”, a threat to freedom and incompatible with the Constitution. When asked by National Report about the need for such a law, local resident Jeremy Ahmed stated:

      “It is because of our need that Allah the Almighty, in all his generosity, has created laws for us, so that we can utilize them to obtain justice. We hope to see other cities taking this action in the face of the governments inaction of passing such legislation”.

      Other local residents have taken to social media sites with comments ranging from “praise be to Allah” and “long live Islam” to “RIP Dearborn” and “Only in Obama’s America would an American city consider Sharia Law”. UNQUOTE


      What ? Sharia Law in America, naaaaaahhhhh, right? Well.... Parsley.


        My point in the At Issue interview was the last 2 minutes about how the government/Canadian society is handling communication with the Muslims. The issue to date is disenfranchised/radicalized Canadian muslims. The same issue exists in Europe only worst. Reaching out to the Muslims, making sure they feel comfortable in their communities and finally are a part of the process to identify lone wolfs/group plots by their members is very important. Again, they are a part of the world I live in. They are not a threat. Terrorism is. Drunk drivers are. People who text and drive. Mad spouses. My own stupidity.


          You bet I worked hard to dump the Wheat Board monopoly, Rocky. And haven't done a buyback since. Getting rid of a marketing impediment that swallows half your profit is what I call good business. Suck it up, Rocky. pars.


            The National Report! Bwahaha - it's a fake news site, entertainment only!!! And right under that headline was "Iowa farm girl ****d by entire crew of alien space ship". You suck it up girly, you're becoming irrelevant to reality. Respond to Charlie, please...


              Oliver, it's difficult to know how may ISIS supporters and participants there are in Canada. Calgary seems to be a hotspot for ISIS fighters How does one even identify a terrorist is the problem. Foremost, they are fanatical about their religion Pars


                My point (& always has been) Charlie, is that Canadians are unable to identity Islamic terrorists who live and work amongst us; but worse, Muslims cannot condemn any part of the core texts or religious teachings of Islam (which cannot co-exist with our society ), or even change them ; to do so would be an act of apostasy.

                So they are stuck with a religion that they cannot change, & that isn't compatible with Western society, and subjects our entire country to harm.

                That is their faith. It's a problem in every country.

                We need to examine every solution, no matter what It is.

                This is what Gert Wilders recommends:

                “We have to close our borders, reinstate border controls, get rid of political correctness, introduce administrative detention, and stop immigration from Islamic countries. We must defend ourselves. Enough is enough.”
                ~ Geert Wilders ~

                Fire away. Pars


                  Its pretty easy to sit in the security of your own glass house that no one can get close enough to to assualt you and throw stones at other's when they dont have the arsenal you have. Who is the west to tell others how to live. Its their country. NO, I dont support the radical insanity.

                  How would you react if you were bombed into the stoneage on an ongoing basis. Having foreign governments trying to control your destiny. All in
                  the name of what.....? Walk a ****ing mile in their shoes for a while. No wonder they resort to insane man made laws. Prophets, really? Living by history books written when? Blind faith. All you have is today with NO guarantee of anything in the afterlife. Where is the proof?

                  They're doing exactly what we are trying to do, what would you do if someone threatened your way of life. Do you think for a minute they'd resort to the insanity if they weren't always prosecuted and subdued. Thank goodness I live in a stable environment without a bunch of outside forces that think they know what is best for us. Think about it, What is the real cause of this insanity

                  You seed potatoes you reap potatoes.....


                    Annoyed by a mere three of my topics in a dozen or so years, Rocky? ;yahoo, I deserve a medal. parsley


                      Farmaholic, they have followed Islam for hundreds and hundreds of years, keeping slaves for centuries.

                      So you would recommend keep out of their countries and close our borders? ?


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