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Basis levels costing farmers billions

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    Basis levels costing farmers billions

    http://www.manitobacooperator.ca/news-opinion/news/sask-wheat-says-wide-basis-costing-wheat-growers-billions/?utm_source=FBC Publications&utm_campaign=19561de94a-Manitoba Co-operator daily enews Feb 20%2C 2015&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_2da8244677-19561de94a-88077933

    hot link for above post.

    [URL="http://www.manitobacooperator.ca/news-opinion/news/sask-wheat-says-wide-basis-costing-wheat-growers-billions/?utm_source=FBC Publications&utm_campaign=19561de94a-Manitoba Co-operator daily enews Feb 20%2C 2015&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_2da8244677-19561de94a-88077933"]Basis levels[/URL]


      According to AAFC wheat prices are as good as they were last year off the west coast.

      Rail freight is regulated and hasn't increased.

      So the question becomes where is the money going?

      It's not coming back to the farm gate.

      Interesting to have mps elected by farmers silenced by graincos.

      When the railways were called in front of the government last year - the graincos should have been there as well.

      Where are these so called conservative MPs that thought what cwb was doing was wrong and then are letting the graincos do exactly the same thing?


        Those numbers will be disputed by industry because " graincos were not buying or selling grain at those levels or farmers shouldn't have been selling."

        Well something doesn't add up because we are 12000 cars or 1.2 mmt behind, at a minimum, in grain car movements.


          No doubt prairie grain prices are not where they should be but the numbers being thrown around should get a second look.

          In the last crop year around 25 million tonnes of western wheat and durum was delivered by producers into licensed facilities.

          The article claims farmers will be out 2 to 3 billion dollars this crop year.
          If deliveries were the same this year that would mean farmers are losing 80 to 120 dollars per tonne on average.

          #1 wheat is about what, 210/tonne at the elevator today? 210 plus 80-120 is 290-330 at port. AAFC says Feb 6 #1 13.5 was priced at 337.96 west coast. Doesn't make sense.

          Where farmers lost out this year is with top grade wheat and durum. Lower grades are turning out to be a tough sell. And there is a lot more lower grade wheat around this year that is going to have a hard time fetching a decent price.


            Goes back to what are the actual costs of moving grain. And at what point do farmers say it's no longer their cost?

            Mid point saskatchewan to vancouver is 35 bucks a tonne.

            Elevation and cleaning can't be more than 15 bucks a tonne otherwise we might as well go back to wooden elevators.

            It's odd that farmers are expected to pay for railway and graincos incompetence for things like demurrage but not get the real price of grain when things move smoothly. If that happens anymore.

            This is the same incompetence as the cwb use to show farmers.


              ""The Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission (SWDC) says export wheat prices are similar to or higher than last October, but farmers are receiving about $20 per tonne less.""

              20$ times 25 million = 500 million.

              What am i missing here?


                No shit Sherlock!
                But all the expert will tell me I'm wrong!
                Grain companies are taking your extra profit and screwing farmers good. Yes we are getting more than with the CWB. Low initials are no missed. But they are trying to convince farmers that this is the new Canadian way.
                Simple don't grow wheat that sells to grain companies. They ****ed up edible peas. Which now trade in bulk like feed peas.
                So as long as we keep listening to the grain companies bull shit we won't win. They won the CWB.


                  Sad state of affairs.


                    Once again the "grain families"

                    Richardson's, Parish's, Heimbecker's, Paterson's, Cargill's, Dreyfus' etc. Never had to go to the markets to acquire capital.

                    They raised it from the farmer.


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