Some questions for you;
Is the CWB Single Desk worth sending farmers to jail?
AS Eatmorewheat quoted, “a producer who puts a crop in the ground should have an inalienable right to harvest it and sell it." Ontario Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Tribunal.”
Does the CWB really understand that the Monopoly policy it maintains is costing “designated area” wheat and barley farmers their freedom, for the simple convenience of CWB management and their sales department?
Just so their CWB jobs are simple and they can have an excuse, not to be accountable each morning…
Ken Beswick said it well… Can you folks actually look in the mirror each morning with clear consciences…?
Is putting farmers in prison, simply to make your work easier, putting their farms and families in jeopardy through this cruel and unusual punishment, something to be proud of as a Canadians?
Is this really the way you must have us spend November 11 2002, visiting farmers in prison who are fighting to honour the fallen dead, to overcome the same discrimination and tyranny they died to prevent?
Some questions for you;
Is the CWB Single Desk worth sending farmers to jail?
AS Eatmorewheat quoted, “a producer who puts a crop in the ground should have an inalienable right to harvest it and sell it." Ontario Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Tribunal.”
Does the CWB really understand that the Monopoly policy it maintains is costing “designated area” wheat and barley farmers their freedom, for the simple convenience of CWB management and their sales department?
Just so their CWB jobs are simple and they can have an excuse, not to be accountable each morning…
Ken Beswick said it well… Can you folks actually look in the mirror each morning with clear consciences…?
Is putting farmers in prison, simply to make your work easier, putting their farms and families in jeopardy through this cruel and unusual punishment, something to be proud of as a Canadians?
Is this really the way you must have us spend November 11 2002, visiting farmers in prison who are fighting to honour the fallen dead, to overcome the same discrimination and tyranny they died to prevent?