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Global Warming Bullsh*t

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    When I simply drive from the farm to the huge city of N.B. 6 miles, the temp is generally 4-5 deg warmer. The heat island effect of big cities is what throws things out of wack.
    Does climate change ? It has done so for thousands of years before the industrial revolution.
    The real problem is pollution, and Al Gore was promoted by big money to put the blame and responsibility onto the average Joe under the mask of Global Warming , oh wait now Climate change.
    Does anyone remember a press conference last May with John Kerry and some French diplomat about ISIS? They sluffed off the threat and told the media that ISIS was not really a threat and our biggest challange is now called CLIMATE CRISIS ??? And that we had only 500 days to avert a major climate crisis - smoke and mirrors b/s. Well we got till the end of Sept 2015 then the climate crisis will kick our ass not ISIS ... Talk about propaganda !!


      Freewheat, I am inclined to agree with your anecdotal observations. Have you been able to find any weather records to prove the changes are real? I tried in my area, but really couldn't find any statistically significant changes in the 100 years of records I could find. But there are a lot of holes in those records, and some numbers really make me doubt their accuracy. Like you, Living in a place that is on the very edge of being too cold and wet to farm, I take this issue seriously.


        I have records, yes, because we ran until a few years back, a government climate station. Summer temps are definitely cooler and wetter. Winter temps are maybe a tiny bit warmer over all, and snow patterns are pretty constant. We always get a lot of snow, with few exceptions. I have a dirt road past our place that I use to help inform me on snowfall and timing. In my whole life, it has been passable at Christmas time, twice. Once in the Winter of 98/99, and this past Christmas. But since then, we have had LOTS of snow.

        The only real back-up I have though, is looking more at field operations, and the timing of such. As in, 20 years ago, in the infancy of my career, seeding first week of May was generally what to expect. Now it is surprising if we can seed by mid May. Same for fall. Our long term fall frost is Early Sept. But other than 2004, and last year, we seldom have Early Sept freezes like when I was a kid.

        Basic temperature records tell little about shifting seasonal patterns, you know?

        I do know, that if we ever get back to shorter fall seasons, with more usual early Sept. frosts, in the absence of more hot July days, we are screwed in this area, because getting crops to ripen has been a challenge...


          Well, gee, you don't see every second field black all summer winter like we use to, all over the Great Plains of N. America, they did a lot of warming, unless of course you don't remember riding the tractor with you shirt off.


            And that is "change", always has, always will.
            NOT our fault and certainly NOTHING we can do about it. Shame some a$$holes make billions off BS. It's all to distract from REAL issues.

            That is my view exactly just wish I could have said so well.

            Over here there are some mad schemes for so call green energy which are economic madness just to tick a box and meet our emission reduction promises.

            Climate changes and there is NOTHING we can knowingly do about it.


              I wonder if the weather records are from the weather stations downtown (big city) or out in the back 40 of Buttsville Sask.


                Climate change is like religion and politics , everyone knows all and damed if they will be swayed by facts or fiction. I am 70 and I can site a lot of change , as far as you poor sobs that are wet ,we are dryer, I can rember when you couldnt get dry grain before dryers came out, and that was when the average farm was 3-400 acres now you are doing thousands, ask the old guys if anyone could have done that 50 yrs ago,even allowing for bigger equipt.
                Just igroring the facts dont make you right but everyone is entitled to be wrong.


                  Well, I'll throw this out there and take my lumps.

                  I really think that all the carbon that is being put out there world wide, along with deforestation is having an effect on the climate. It only stands to reason something has to give. Over population is also having an effect as well.

                  I definitely feel that solar and wind could take some of the pressure off fossil fuel dependence. I certainly know that fossil fuel will continue to be the main source of power, but if we could reduce it's use somewhat maybe it will make a difference.

                  I have notice that wheather during the seasons are changing. Wetter cooler summers, with longer falls and winters.

                  I don't know if it's climate change but man activities are definitely going to have some type of influence on the wheather.


                    No two years are the same, been dryer and wetter, warmer and drier. Just random, no pattern that stays. Perhaps the cycles are just so long, we are a blip in time and never really see the change.
                    The concentration of a city DOES make a micro climate as does the dark of a forest. However IMO the vast open prairie is so empty, we have NO effect. The massive COLD north air beats the sun's heat every time.
                    Really hope that it's NOT getting colder or am I just getting OLDER?


                      Fjlip, well we know one of those statements is true for sure. ...


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