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Wanted off patent round up ready canola

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    Wanted off patent round up ready canola

    Willing to pay big bucks

    see that is the problem , when we grew Quest the first time you sign away any rights to keep any seed.
    their way of getting around patent law.
    even though there are some pretend allowances for saved seed.
    they are meaningless.
    no company will give up their PBR and
    ever let anything go public.

    if they let something go public, what ever they want to sell now would have to compete against it.
    the only one i know that slipped thru the cracks is 46A76.
    and only if you originally bought it. which i did.

    the UPOV 91 could be liveable if varieties had to go public after their patents expire. ( no sneaky way of canceling them. etc.)

    it is scary stuff , big brother corporation will basicly own farmers and consumers asses.
    that is just not right.


      You're going to have to steal it because it doesn't exist.


        Wanted Generic Liberty.


          Can we make liberty? Legally?


            The chemical is off patent but I have heard that bayer has made it known that if anyone makes genaric liberty they will just raise the price of their seed (which is still on patent) and lower the cost of liberty to run them out of business.


              Your "Free market" is working so well TOm.


                Which already happened. That is they lowered liberty price and raised seed. I suppose to descourage it.


                  The patent on RR canola won't expire until 2023. It has to do with a change in rules and the timeframe from application to granting.


                  And Plant Breeders Rights on 46A76 was granted in 1998 and were surrendered in 2009.



                    yes hopper and if they have to they can move more cost to the seed and run anyone making liberty out of business. So much for the free market saving us.


                      the original does exist. not in my yard
                      , but it is pointless any way, the 5 pages of fine print signed the first year
                      would make it too risky to try.

                      and tom wants you to sign up so every seed is like this.

                      if you do not think they have control
                      how does a 15 year patent get extended to 29 years.

                      how well would the original Quest have yeilded with 100 lb.s of N and phos and sulfer.

                      i will be done long before the worst of this plays out , but for the sake of future generations , think about it.

                      why does our society protect their property for 15- 18 years .
                      we have fully paid and then some for the innovation.
                      it should be public property by now.
                      like the wheel, and remember patents used to be 7 years.


                        sorry i get so upset about this, and this govt. will pass it , because that is what they do. and there is SFA any of us can do about it.
                        but hey Norway told them to f off.
                        and they are the ones with 64 billion in their heritage fund. so they can't be that stupid


                          Liberty take very expensive infrastructure to produce. Yup its that simple. Its why no one else makes it, the startup cost is prohibitive.

                          Clopyralid is another. Expensive molecule to make.



                            Work with Secan varieties, if you choose to avoid Monsanto to a large extent... Clearfield varieties are not GMO... and generally available through many small seed companies.

                            There are many ways to get the truly remarkable advancements in variety development... send back the vast amount of money earned to farmergrowers rather than Multinationals!

                            Lets be builders! Much more rewarding that we find a better way forward... respecting each other's property... than be like eastern Ukraine!


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