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job numbers

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    job numbers

    Oil service workers hard hit
    Mexico 10, 000 workers slashed
    Norway 40, 000 workers slashed
    Alberta alone forcast 31,800 by year end forcasted
    Alberta to gain 80,000 jobs in other than oil services. Workforce forcast to go up one percent this year.

    Anyone know who is hiring? Not looking for a job. Just wondering.

    Railways and grianco's.... ;-0


      You still can't hire a tradesman for example. Job loss so far is just related to new projects. A year below $50 will see different numbers. Then only the 25 year old farmers will still be able to live like rock stars.


        Haliburton just pulled out of regina,they just moved there with 120 people,poor bastards probably bought expensive houses,united airlines pulling out of the airport,target pulling out of canada,looking like a bad storm.


          Funny lots of condos new and homes that have no sales for in Regina! Trades will slow also! Grain companies looking for guys to teach grain marketing to farmers no experience necessary!


            I guess no one is old enough to rember the story of the goose that laid the golden egg?? Well I hope they enjoyed the meal!!


              Blackpowder, you can get tradesmen around here all of the sudden - and your truck into the garage at 8am the next day, dealerships advertising to do detailing for $95 a time, welders looking for farm repair jobs. Things have changed in a big way - how the mighty have fallen.


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