Don't think cash flow problems are restricted to east sask. Out west movement sucks. We know it's bad when we can't move canola till April. Guys rarely have that problem here and are starting sweat the 15 th. FCC and ccga advances from 2013 come due. Glad I got cows cause it cleaned up my FCC. All I can think is if it's getting dicey here it's gotta be worse over east. This whole thing is going to break some guys. Goddamn railroads!!
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Cash Flow!
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Not doubting you at all SK3.
It's impossible to fill a plant right up.
Some of the primary licensed capacity is older plants that might not even be used. Some is small processors and companies.
Still, unless the CGC report is using bad numbers (which could be) there is or maybe more correctly, there WAS room somewhere.
Also the latest report is as of Feb 22, so it is over a week old.
It would seem the new rail car backlog reports are telling it like it is.
well here's another spin on it, last winter we saw one of the elevators buying spot canola for $2 /bu less than our Sept contract . they took this cheap canola from the combine and left ours until Christmas .they knew they had it anyways , and could care less about us or our problems . do you think this isn't happening this winter , dream on .! they're ruthless and Cuban is absolutely right , it's their problem , not his ? dump it on the ground like one of the elevators in this area did that year it froze , and they were buying feed wheat for $1.30 / bu , and then sold it a year later for $4 /bu , worked good then ???? why not now ???
Like I said on a previous thread the solution is simple. The gov,t needs to mandate grain companies to pay storage and interest on late contracts. Railroads instead of joke fines, need to get the demurrage bill we have eat.
When those pricks get that bill watch the grain move. Now if the gov,t could bolt a pair and get it done.
Sf3 u know nothing about my situation or what this farm has been through so stop acting like the victim all the time or pretending you have a clue, u think youre the only one thats gone through hard times? We've been through deaths and complete crop loses from hail and droughts , try raising cattle then complain about droughts you haven't a clue about the true angst created by drought or hateful winters until you've been a rancher or a mixed farmer and have to care for animals. I stand by my comment that if cash flow from lack of delivery is hanging you over the edge it's not only a very uncomfortable place to be but something as a farmer Manager you sure as hell better be looking at. I feel for those that this is affecting but it's a symptom of a greater problem . Dont believe for a second the days of running loose and govt being there to bail you out are still here, we are all a couple of bad crops and some bad decisions away from a farm sale. I can not help that sometimes you cannot understand the truths in my statements but I may see the picture from a different angle and may have different management strategies that may or may not be successful. I am certainly aware the easy times of the recent past are behind us the pressures on western Canadian family farms are just going to get worse, those above us continue to get stronger and the voice and vote power of western Canadian farms and farm families has never meant less.
Back to work wish I had posted this from a beach or Arizona but I've have my 2 2 day breaks from here for the year and calves have started and we're cleaning up the last of the bags into bins.
Sk3 and others do you not feel some of your cash flow problems may be from over extending so you can be the big dog?? I find it hard to feel sorry for someone that over bid me on land and equipt and then holler for help. We all have problems some more than others.
Mc your correct on a lot of points! I know your area well!
Horse over extended! Sorry I'm the tightest renter in district and since we own most it's not a issue! What pisses me off is I'm talking general farming and then get shit like horse is talking! I have canola that has a very good number in front of it above street price kind of would like a contract honoured! Ah but keep the blinders on and divide among farmers that works so well!
Basically rail and elevators are not doing their jobs and farmers have to pick up the pieces!
Two years in a row and some want us to produce more yet!
That's all my point is selling grain at fire sale because grain companies and railways can't get their shit together is a issue.
Grain companies must be forced to pay up on contracts when overdue, or face steep penalties.This was brought up last year.
I agree with Jack on everything in his post.
If those changes were forced our system would have to be more efficient. This includes the pulse industry as well.
Farmers are forced to sign these contracts just to sell grain , but line companies have zero obligation to honor them on time - this must change !!
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