Seems only way anything gets done in this country is to bug bug and bug some more.
Well Monday is a great day to phone your MP. Let them know how well Your grain is moving in this country and how well the grain companies are dealing with contracts. Quit sugar coating how it is in your area. Tell them the truth. Farmers who are liquidating Canola for Below 10 just to raise cash let them know.
Farmers who are selling feed wheat that is really a two or three just to raise cash let them know. Farmers who have oats contracts or barley that aren't moving let them know.
Just listened to question period in Ottawa for the week and wow. Measures we have put in place are working and grain is moving in a decent manner.
WTF, who is writing this shit.
Its simple Google your MP, Bingo their is their phone number, now start with local office or why not go right to Ottawa.
Why wait Ottawa opens up with time change at 6Am Sask time.
Like they say in Saskatchewan this weekend.
Also get off your wallet and Ring those phones for Telemiracle. Its a great cause!
Well Monday is a great day to phone your MP. Let them know how well Your grain is moving in this country and how well the grain companies are dealing with contracts. Quit sugar coating how it is in your area. Tell them the truth. Farmers who are liquidating Canola for Below 10 just to raise cash let them know.
Farmers who are selling feed wheat that is really a two or three just to raise cash let them know. Farmers who have oats contracts or barley that aren't moving let them know.
Just listened to question period in Ottawa for the week and wow. Measures we have put in place are working and grain is moving in a decent manner.
WTF, who is writing this shit.
Its simple Google your MP, Bingo their is their phone number, now start with local office or why not go right to Ottawa.
Why wait Ottawa opens up with time change at 6Am Sask time.
Like they say in Saskatchewan this weekend.
Also get off your wallet and Ring those phones for Telemiracle. Its a great cause!