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50 Days till seeding whats the plans!

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    50 Days till seeding whats the plans!

    The director of market research for the CWB is hoping western Canada can pick up the 2.5 to 3 million acres that were drowned out last year due to excessive moisture.

    Neil Townsend expects to see a jump in the number of oat acres, adding that we already now that winter wheat is going to be down.

    "Winter wheat was down almost 40 per cent, that was [due to the] harsh conditions at the planting time back in the fall," he said. "Canola a little bit stable and the one that's going to take a noticeable jump would be oats. But again, oats were disproportionately affected by the drown out and the excess moisture at planting time last year."

    He adds durum acres could be on the rise if the prices remain strong.

    Townsend says a normal weather pattern this spring should get western Canada back to normal in terms of the number of acres seeded.

    Ok one things these guys don't get is how does flats that sill were unworkable last fall or slick mud after working going to get seeded. If your north of us a slough is a slough till years of dryer summers.
    So adding three million acres is a pipe dream.

    Our plans have changed a bit since the winter has moved on. Extra grain is cleaned just incase the spring has challenges or we feel a market change and switch crops. One note this is the best winter in about 8 snow was just good enough to sled but not idiotic like one lived in the mountains. A quick melt then cold again should freeze dry some areas and yes some could get extra seeded but were still one mega storm away from the flood zone again. But for what its worth best winter in a long time and looking like could be a very nice spring.

    So pre season seeding plans.

    Canola is a stable and the current weather seems to be going back to normal. Palliser has less snow like a normal winter and were on par for normal winter snow. So maybe the weather system has changed to like it use to be.
    So with that
    3500 acres with room to take to 4000 if a dry spring is in store. Seed booked and paid but can return the extra 500 acres if needed its just booked.
    Oats the CWB dude is correct only thing were not really adding acres just a quarter at most at expense of wheat.
    750 Acres with 250 acres put in if we get behind or heavy may snow hits and plans are changed.
    Barley will be stagnate to same as oats also at expense of wheat.
    750 acres with 350 if weather goes back.
    Peas were going back to 1000 and its because we do have acreage that hasn't been peas for 5 years and couple never.
    Then 3000 will be wheat. As long as a grade in Canada and a grade in USA are different why fight them just drop acres.
    250 acres will be flax but that could change.
    250 soy which would be down a bit. Experiments cost and its a cost cutting year.

    So plans have changed but stayed the same, what are others doing or thinking.

    so much for sending the high price seed co's a message ! canola council will be glad of your high canola acres as well . we are cutting back on canola , just too much inputs and risk for reward . if you have a wreck on that many acres , they will have done well, you not so much


      Our average over 10 years is almost half the farm. Over 40 years it is closer to 1/3 but in the Ah I'm down 1500 acres from my average. So yes I am sending them a message. That's $105000 of seed I don't need. If every farmer dropped by that amount do you think they would listen. I'm doing my part are you.


        Oh but you just can't resist rubbing it in that your canola seed is booked and "paid for"


          Case Im doing my part are you?


            No not rubbing it in that is something that I always do in the December time frame. Its business as usual. All involved wanted more business but didn't add acres as pissed at seed costs. Sorry not rubbing it in. Just doing what always do but with a twist were down 1500 acres. IF West is dry we will add the 500 but not taking canola to 5000 no matter how they scream. Also talked to a guy who waited and guess what the best varieties are available and price is lower.
            So maybe not ordering did do something.


              its about seeding intentions.
              Wheat down
              Canola down
              Oats up
              barley up
              Peas and lentils way up
              Flax way way way up.
              Faba beans way up new hope and pray crop.
              Soy stagnated Manitoba will be up but lots in sask will be dropped till better varieties come along.
              the shortest season new ones last year were pathetic.


                Ok, then beware of what you write. For the last 2 weeks you have been talking about the input bills that were due this month/last month and how poor delivery, poor grading, rail service is causing issues for many and then you talk about your situation. It can really tick people off.

                For me, canola acres (45%) planned will not change. Will be seeding barley again after taking a few years off, probably copeland and metcalf (15%). Have good hard red seed and oats to put in remaining. May try a quarter a new hard red seed and possibly a couple quarters of canary.


                  Jekyll post, or Hyde post?

                  Farming is pretty good eh Sask3? Seed all paid for, 2 year canola rotation.

                  Making money like crazy, who cares if your rotation is a disease infested canola industry nightmare for coming generations.

                  Money money money.


                    Richard thanks for posting! Yes that came out wrong and I'm sorry! I was trying to show how we dropped acres will take 1500 less as confirmed but the 500 is coming back if I feel it's not worth growing! Again if weather stays the same and the west stays dry till mid April when the final 500 goes in then it will be seeded as I'm betting on below average canola yield and were back to normal!
                    So again it came out wrong and no I wasn't rubbing noses or bragging!
                    I need a checker before I post any one up for the job! Pays like farming the shits! Ha ha


                      Tweety your starting to sound like a non farmer more and more and more!
                      I said sorry it came out wrong!
                      No disease isn't a problem with our rotation if 40 plus years nothing has showed up I think we're covering the bases right!
                      Tweet tweet!
                      Tell us your story not bull shit! Just saying I can admit if something was taken Wrong and change can you!


                        We can only go off what you post, not what you think you should post.

                        Maybe your yields aren't as good because you have a disease problem.


                          well i guess i didnt realize you were at 50 % canola before !! we have never gone anywhere near that high , with all the disease possibilties. remember reading your posts about how the greedy seed producers had f$&@ed up a good crop . just suprised you are still growing so much . we are not growing any of the price manipulators seed at all .all acres are lower yielding varieties with a premium attached . just curious if 40% of acres in canola country were seeded to canola , wow ,that would be a big increase ? maybe im wrong ? i think if farmers are still growing lots of canola should probably keep it quiet as long as possible . let them sweat a little , might try to buy some acres . they are reading agriville


                            Ok now I'm going to call you on that point! Our yields are down do to one thing and if you know what's happened in our area the last 8 years it's called flooding!
                            Take a jab! It shows your True ignorance and no understanding the crop!


                              That was for tweety bird


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