I don't understand the logic or business acumen of the farmers against this. So many of the posts on here highlight how difficult it is to make a living in conventional agriculture, you rail against the input suppliers for charging too much yet you are the first to leap to the defence of their products.
At the same time the consumer is increasingly unhappy with the companies producing their food, they want to encourage you as farmers to produce the kind of food they want, they could be the key to let you out of the jail of marginal profitability agriculture and you are beating them off with a stick? Makes no sense.
As is often been said on here consumers in Canada and North America spend less of their income on food than anywhere in the world - they have the money to pay for what they want so why not produce it for them? Remember in business the first rule is "the customer is always right".
At the same time the consumer is increasingly unhappy with the companies producing their food, they want to encourage you as farmers to produce the kind of food they want, they could be the key to let you out of the jail of marginal profitability agriculture and you are beating them off with a stick? Makes no sense.
As is often been said on here consumers in Canada and North America spend less of their income on food than anywhere in the world - they have the money to pay for what they want so why not produce it for them? Remember in business the first rule is "the customer is always right".