Too bad there are only a handful of people in this agriville debate.
A whole lot like the real world where there are still only handfuls of adults interested in this debate or any other.
And how many minds are open for even minor shifts in position.
I personally agree with those who critically analyse entitlements; thieves; personal and individual business gain and two faced persons.
And the truth really is that a country is at stake and that a country and many of its citizens could be destroyed in the time period of waiting for things to "sort out".
That's what this particular version of "only positive thinking" just might do for society.
A whole lot like the real world where there are still only handfuls of adults interested in this debate or any other.
And how many minds are open for even minor shifts in position.
I personally agree with those who critically analyse entitlements; thieves; personal and individual business gain and two faced persons.
And the truth really is that a country is at stake and that a country and many of its citizens could be destroyed in the time period of waiting for things to "sort out".
That's what this particular version of "only positive thinking" just might do for society.