CWB Alliance
December 20, 2014
The Transportation Agency ruling found that the tonnage of grain the two railways hauled in 2013-14 was “18.8 percent higher than the western grain volume for the previous crop year.†[Emphasis added] In other words a bumper crop was hauled by bumper railway performance.
Given that 18.8% increase in tonnage hauled, it means the grain companies served themselves very well indeed by taking literally billions of dollars from western farmers while using poor rail service as an excuse to confuse farmers and the media with bogus claims about high basis costs being caused by the railways. The CTA ruling shows the grain company claims were so much cow flop.…/cta-ruling-gives-the-lie-to-ritz…/
December 20, 2014
The Transportation Agency ruling found that the tonnage of grain the two railways hauled in 2013-14 was “18.8 percent higher than the western grain volume for the previous crop year.†[Emphasis added] In other words a bumper crop was hauled by bumper railway performance.
Given that 18.8% increase in tonnage hauled, it means the grain companies served themselves very well indeed by taking literally billions of dollars from western farmers while using poor rail service as an excuse to confuse farmers and the media with bogus claims about high basis costs being caused by the railways. The CTA ruling shows the grain company claims were so much cow flop.…/cta-ruling-gives-the-lie-to-ritz…/