The Railway History of Red Deer and Central Alberta
Early surveys for the Canadian Pacific Railway looking for a way through the Rocky Mountains, had initially recommended a northern route through Yellowhead Pass (which was later adopted by both the Canadian Northern and Grand Trunk Pacific).
An alternate route recommended the Howse Pass west of Rocky Mountain House to the Pacific Ocean which, if chosen, would have had the transcontinental railroad go through or very near to the present site of Red Deer. But, more due to competition threats from American railroads than anything else, the Canadian Pacific chose a southern route even thought the land was less hospitable to agriculture and the Kicking Horse Pass was more difficult."
AS well.. the BC Dawson Creek link to Prince Rupert is all but operational to reduce the cost and traffic congestion of bringing all the rail traffic back through Edmonton... to go west through the yellowhead.
There is skads of opportunity, low cost alternatives to increase efficiencies and reduce the cost of getting our grain to west coast ports.
CNCP instead believe we have blinders on... and will continue to be 'yes sir thankyou sir' slaves to their monopoly.
Not while I am still alive and able to fight!
The CWB thought they could wait me out... and shut me up...
How well did that work out for the single desk anti freedom folks who would not respect common law property rights?
These old cultural western Canadian values... are no where near dead yet!!!!
Early surveys for the Canadian Pacific Railway looking for a way through the Rocky Mountains, had initially recommended a northern route through Yellowhead Pass (which was later adopted by both the Canadian Northern and Grand Trunk Pacific).
An alternate route recommended the Howse Pass west of Rocky Mountain House to the Pacific Ocean which, if chosen, would have had the transcontinental railroad go through or very near to the present site of Red Deer. But, more due to competition threats from American railroads than anything else, the Canadian Pacific chose a southern route even thought the land was less hospitable to agriculture and the Kicking Horse Pass was more difficult."
AS well.. the BC Dawson Creek link to Prince Rupert is all but operational to reduce the cost and traffic congestion of bringing all the rail traffic back through Edmonton... to go west through the yellowhead.
There is skads of opportunity, low cost alternatives to increase efficiencies and reduce the cost of getting our grain to west coast ports.
CNCP instead believe we have blinders on... and will continue to be 'yes sir thankyou sir' slaves to their monopoly.
Not while I am still alive and able to fight!
The CWB thought they could wait me out... and shut me up...
How well did that work out for the single desk anti freedom folks who would not respect common law property rights?
These old cultural western Canadian values... are no where near dead yet!!!!