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What would you Do?

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    Selling out/quitting/giving up/loosing the battle/throwing in the towel/conceding, they all sound pretty lame to me. I am the forth generation farmer in my family farm and I wouldn't feel comfortable being the first to take the money and run. Farming is more than just a business to me and doing something else would be pretty depressing. I think the people coming in buying people out appreciate the value of farming allot more than we do. Those that sell out are just wimps in my mind. soon to become greeters at Walmart. But, I would be first to get in line if my neighbor quits.


      Decisions based on emotions usually don't yield the best results. If you're not giving the next generation a chance you are probably doing them a disservice. But if you're hanging on just because.....it's the farm???????? Some operations don't have anyone to carry the torch or don't want to. Can't judge someone else's reasons for doing things a certain way because "I would have done it different". To each their own.


        ok boys again if you were offered a dollar close to what the red army sold for would you quit. Walmart greeter not happening, wimping out really. If land crashes then you can come back.
        I think we're in for a shit show for the next 6 years, if weather changes tough to get out when all are running for the exit.
        Grass that rock is calling you!


          Really Farmaholic doing the next generation a disservice by keeping the farm. I think that was a term was overused to justify selling something that was most likely passed on to you. Those people that have sold land most likely won't ever get it back, end of story. You might not have to be a Walmart greeter but your kids might have to be because you cashed in. If your farm was solely a buisness venture and your achieved your goals, by all means take the cash and run.


            Farmaholic I just reread your thread and realized i misread. You are right some farms don't have people to pass them on too.


              Actually decisions based on emotions have paid off quite well in my life.


                Unless the Canadian system collapses around us the kids would never be Walmart greeters. Goals were always to take original farm and increase the land base by 200%. When others said land was going lower thats when you buy. Fast forward today. It's most say it's got to keep going up.
                Not saying a person should sell. The thread is what would you MR Farmer do if you had the visit or call about getting out.


                  . Shouldn't be posting as I don't really fit into your parameters Sask. I'm like the gunfighter who has his back firmly to the wall while looking straight ahead but with one eye on all the exits.
                  A farmer who can answer your question with his life expectancy and quality of life for himself and his family realistically in mind is already quite fortunate.
                  As you know there is a big shift coming anyway.


                    Heard it this way from a financial/retirement planner...
                    either YOU sell it or your children will. Unless it all crashes, the next gen will inherit $millions in land or cash. Every area has young aggressive farmers ready to make you that call.
                    Thought giving next gen the farm was child abuse?

                    Mainly see the children living in an empty rural area, driving miles for every need/want, the biggest negative factor. It's NOT the busy, populated time in rural areas of 40 years ago. It was fun, for a while.


                      Yea their is! So many things to consider! Cash is real nice but if it's family it's different than selling a car dealership or mall or golf course!


                        nothing to do with question but south Africa in part is wonderful wonderful farming land some put it up the with the Ukraine as ahidden gem


                          I've heard that too. And every doctor we've had in 20 years here in town, couldn't wait to get out.


                            Big decision to sell sf3. It would be good to know if any of your kids are hooked, and want to take it over. If not, what the hell, the math is simple, calculate how much goes into your bank out after all your liabilities are paid off, including capital gains. Assume a min rate of return on mixture of investment and bonds, to see if the money will outlive you. If u sell, I guess this sites is done too. Lol


                              I guess Positive Thursday is over.


                                A likely scenario:

                                Farmer sells farm and goes to financial advisor and asks, "I've got 2.2 mil dollars to invest. Where should the money go?"

                                Financial advisor replies, "Farmland is a great investment these days. Are there any farms around for sale?"

                                Farmer says what?


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