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Monday and the Petition! Were at almost 100 come on!

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    Monday and the Petition! Were at almost 100 come on!


    Ok after the first run we are not as high as I would have hoped for. Maybe some are just sitting back waiting to push the number higher or are farmers just plain frustrated by the whole thing and have given up.
    Or is it " If its not happening to me all is ok"
    Reality is Eastern Sask is not getting grain movement again. Crushers have slowed down taking Canola, Hm could that be their is no cars to take meal and oil away. Elevators when you lean over the counter and look at computer screen are at 80 to 90% capacity always. Hm is that the way they like to run them or is their canceled car orders etc.
    Talk to guys and the shit show is better than last year but guess what the crop was smaller.
    If we go back to 2013 production this will happen again and again and again.
    But for some that think it doesn't effect them it doesn't matter. Ha I say. This time Eastern farmers will send grain by truck to plug Alberta Elevators or Manitoba south Elevators. Then when it finally hits guys who think not in my back yard things might change.
    Were not just a bunch of complainers. Try living in a system where you have product they want. Have contracts in place that by god don't deliver against them and see what happens to you. Yet here we sit months behind and it continues on and on.
    Simply on our farm and a whole bunch of other eastern Sask farms will haul off compbine and send west grain in fall 2015 to plug the source that's getting movement.
    ITs a simple petition read it look at it and sign it. Just because its not hitting your farm doesn't mean its not effecting agriculture in general in Canada.
    So again please look at it and sign it.
    Thank You!
    Happy Monday!
    Orders canceled till Wednesday or Thursday this week. Happy hauling.

    Sign it guys.


      There is no reason, if everyone is running better as the government claims, that a 10000 tonne or bigger point should miss a train a week.

      It's the little things that point to the problems.

      You would think people elected would be smarter than this.


        I thought by having a conservative government petitions would be a non issue as the mps would be listening to their constituents.

        We would be better off with a liberal/ndp minority government and using the conservatives as ankle biters.

        The rest of the issues concerning canada have good coverage from all parties.


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