If the liberals and NDP for a coalition for the next government, what could this mean for farmers. I could see them revisiting the CWB debacle. What would stop them from changing legislation? They might abolish the GST rebate for farmers. They would definitely charge a carbon tax on Diesel,fertilizer,and cow farts. Not to be a Debbie Downer but what wold they do to help out the farmer?
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LIB/NDP vs Status quo
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Well let's see. Maybe the conservatives would start listening to their constituents again.
Conservatives seem to be more effective in opposition hoping for a chance to govern.
They have really been a disappointment.
And yes anderson will have to work for my vote. It's not a given this time.
First No one can reinstate the CWB or the gov`t would be in court faster than you can say ,the ritx cracker is a moron.
Free trade agreement won`t allow state trading, it was allowed while we had it but now that its gone, no.
Every problem that weve had in the last few year and upcoming ones like UPOV 91 has been foisted on us from this con gov`t. WHY the F... would you keep voting for them
Don't dare talk about fertilizer or diesel or crop inputs under the conservatives. Big world supplier and we pay the most for all of these?
Conservatives owned and operated by the oil companies and that s the bottom line. We can't be a narrow minded country as such.
Well maybe we should give them some ideas they can use!!
I think the agriinvest program was good and the % be increased not decreased to help the farmer save for rough times.
The agristability program only works for Broad acres and One Earth and not for the poor flooded out farmer. It needs to be scrapped.Turn the money from this program into the agriinvest program.
Legislation should be brought out giving the farmer some power in grain contracts.
Railroads should have a floating cap in my mind because they will always haul the more lucrative freight. The more grain they move the more they can charge. Kind of like a bonus for doing a good job. Reward not penalize might work better. It might kickstart a bit of competition in the rail industry. The current system is not working.
A lib/NDP govt would be locked out of the west and rural ont. Think how that will go. Maybe a credent ear to the nfu. Could see same scenario play out like the Trudeau broadbent govt. We were debt free before that. If this economy poops bad before election we could see this but it's a 50/50 chance.
Breadwinner, I'd agree with you on rewarding the railroads if they had a competitive market to work in. Don't get me wrong, there is nobody more pro-freemarket than me, but giving more money to a monopoly doesn't mean you'll get anything for your money, because there is no competitor to provide any alternative to crappy service, no matter how much you pay.
A Lib/NDP gov't would be the death knell for the Canadian economy. We haven't recovered from the last time it happened, and the new Trudeau hasn't got half the brains his father did.
As someone living behind "the Hydro Curtain" in Manitoba, let me say you DON'T want an NDP government. That is unless you like runaway deficits, heavy handed enviro controls, hog barn bans, forced safety audits on farms, poorly planned flood management, crooked back room union deals, a government auto insurance monopoly that thinks it's God, decaying highways and infrastructure, hallway medicine, and . . .
It's all relative kato. How did Canada fare through the crash versus the rest of the world?
When Trudeau 1.0 started, there was no debt, and vastly smaller entrenched spending. Think of what we could afford now if we didn't have to pay for the mortgage on the "good times borrowing" of the past. If only non-infrastructure deficit spending had been made constitutionally illegal except in the direst of circumstances way back in the 1960s.
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