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Nykolaishen flyer ...

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    Nykolaishen flyer ...

    After watching the first two Richie auctions I think some dealers better adjust their pricing by about 30% or more .. Lol

    That is correct...


      What if they're into that equipment for more than the "new fair market value"? Imagine.


        Higher interest!! And the large dealers will be out faster than a fat kid playing dodge ball

        Over & Out


          A new JD flyer out says to order your 2016 sprayers now...Hahaha..they have New 2014's on there lots...


            Don't you know you can't get them unless you "pre-order"!!!

            Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahhaahahahhan gasp hahahahahahhaha
            gasp hahahahahaha......


              In Wadena iron is parked all over, will see how much misses 2015 season? Must 100's like new sprayer trades in papers and on line, ya let's build more?


                Ha. FJ, last year, seedmasters and tractors were being moved around the yards in Wadena, and the shop doors were always open and stuff was selling. This year, it is all just sitting there with ZERO activity.

                Kinda telling.


                  Not sure what to think. Fewer bargains than I expected.


                    The sprayer is the most important tool on the farm. It should be a good/newer one.


                      Anyone buying iron this year will have buyer regrets nextyear. Way too much new iron sitting on farm and dealer lots. USA farmers shifting acres to beans this year, see how much cash flow they have this fall when bean prices drop into the $8/bu range. Same here with 9 canola and 5.50 wheat


                        Hobby, one or two years does NO wear them out, why trade? Must be CASH for new someplace.
                        Does not compute. But if trades don't sell watch the value of trade in allowance crash. Should reduce the NEW IRON addiction!


                          I got that flyer today, wow I am out of touch. 400 large for a belted tractor, 400 large for a sprayer and 400 large for a combine. 225 large for a seeder.
                          FjLip with multiple passes of expensive crop protection products a new reliable sprayer is a must. Windows of Application can be small and weather unpredictible, a farmer does not want to miss the right time to spray, or the product will not work and the crop will not be protected. Low yeilds , more weeds. If you miss one flush of weeds The weed seed bank will be there for years. You will have problems for a long time. You want to keep your land clean. A good new sprayer will do that.


                            A good used sprayer will too, if you keep it up, and has the added benefit that you should know how it works. One of the things I hear time and again from the "trade it every year" crowd is that it takes the first 3-4 days every year to get new equipment "locked in". When I pull my planter out I know exactly how it's going to work after the first 5 minutes of refreshing my memory


                              That's why I thought the Richie sale into Stoon was the real barometer - farmers are willing to pay far less than dealers think


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