Railway efficiency and capacity is not a part of the... wait for what it really is... "A Profit Guarantee assurance Cap".
It has been over 15 years since any adjustments have been made for efficiency gains I understand. No adjustment made for efficiencies means they keep them all for themselves... which I do not have a big problem with... if they had provided better service as profitability got better and better.
That CNCP do not get it... that they will blow off the federal government over $50K... show the unbelievable arrogance of management at CNCP.
Do they think Canadians are Stupid... and that they.. (CNCP) are invincible an beyond rational control common reasonable people would suggest to fix this mess they have created by their exuberant lust for profit?
The more CNCP bring these issues up... just as in the overpayments perceived on railcar maintenance fees... the more attention will be brought to bare on how exactly CNCP operate as a Basic Essential service provider in the Canadian Economy.
If the ND or Liberals take power... isn't that bad news for CNCP?
If the present Gov retains power... It looks like Hunter has used up a huge amount of political capital on fighting some insignificant fines that mean nothing but could cost them dearly in changes to our rail competitive situation.
However Hunter is not one to say Uncle early... so I wouldn't advise holding our collective breaths... for his to change his game plan of wringing every last cent he can out of the western Canadian Economy.
Railway efficiency and capacity is not a part of the... wait for what it really is... "A Profit Guarantee assurance Cap".
It has been over 15 years since any adjustments have been made for efficiency gains I understand. No adjustment made for efficiencies means they keep them all for themselves... which I do not have a big problem with... if they had provided better service as profitability got better and better.
That CNCP do not get it... that they will blow off the federal government over $50K... show the unbelievable arrogance of management at CNCP.
Do they think Canadians are Stupid... and that they.. (CNCP) are invincible an beyond rational control common reasonable people would suggest to fix this mess they have created by their exuberant lust for profit?
The more CNCP bring these issues up... just as in the overpayments perceived on railcar maintenance fees... the more attention will be brought to bare on how exactly CNCP operate as a Basic Essential service provider in the Canadian Economy.
If the ND or Liberals take power... isn't that bad news for CNCP?
If the present Gov retains power... It looks like Hunter has used up a huge amount of political capital on fighting some insignificant fines that mean nothing but could cost them dearly in changes to our rail competitive situation.
However Hunter is not one to say Uncle early... so I wouldn't advise holding our collective breaths... for his to change his game plan of wringing every last cent he can out of the western Canadian Economy.