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Canada won’t tell railways where to ship grain for now

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    Railway efficiency and capacity is not a part of the... wait for what it really is... "A Profit Guarantee assurance Cap".

    It has been over 15 years since any adjustments have been made for efficiency gains I understand. No adjustment made for efficiencies means they keep them all for themselves... which I do not have a big problem with... if they had provided better service as profitability got better and better.

    That CNCP do not get it... that they will blow off the federal government over $50K... show the unbelievable arrogance of management at CNCP.

    Do they think Canadians are Stupid... and that they.. (CNCP) are invincible an beyond rational control common reasonable people would suggest to fix this mess they have created by their exuberant lust for profit?

    The more CNCP bring these issues up... just as in the overpayments perceived on railcar maintenance fees... the more attention will be brought to bare on how exactly CNCP operate as a Basic Essential service provider in the Canadian Economy.

    If the ND or Liberals take power... isn't that bad news for CNCP?

    If the present Gov retains power... It looks like Hunter has used up a huge amount of political capital on fighting some insignificant fines that mean nothing but could cost them dearly in changes to our rail competitive situation.

    However Hunter is not one to say Uncle early... so I wouldn't advise holding our collective breaths... for his to change his game plan of wringing every last cent he can out of the western Canadian Economy.


      do you not get it tom.
      your guys are just playing along.
      they are one in the same.
      (same team)

      what kind of a joke were the fines in the first place?

      How can your boys not see the problem

      we had a deal.
      full compensatory rates and the railroads would perform.
      until the rr.s said ah f that we want even more.
      now your guys are entertaining the idea.( talking as if a free market exists)

      the rr.s are giving the federal govt. the finger over 50,000 $

      how do you think a farmer will fare getting service .under the new unlimited rates.

      guess what farmer, big finger FU , we want to take your higher rates and buy rr.s down in the states and haul where it is warmer. same as before.

      it is right in front of your face tom.
      and yet you fail to see it is your own guys doing it to you.
      and your guys policy's that put us here.
      i kind of think it is somewhat fitting that it might cost you more the the 100s of thousands it has cost everyone else.
      but i would rather we have a good fair transport system than any satisfaction i might get from joint misery.


        Would be interesting to see a decent debate on this without fukin politics, something might get accomplished .


          50k is a bit of a joke considering the size of cheques Producers write for equipment and inputs. Even more insulting is the comparison to what the poor service cost a modest sized farm. That's if all the fingers are to be pointed in only one direction....

          Politics aside


            it is all about politics.

            how is anybody going to do a deal with
            the RRs.
            politics is the only chip we have in dealing with this monopoly .

            there has not been one feasible solution
            put forward on here, other than the federal govt. kicking some ass and laying down the law.

            sadly ,this govt. is part of the problem
            not the solution.
            take 100,000$ out of each of their MPs paychecks , feel the pain , then they might try and think of a solution.


              If you guys are so horny to haul grain to Alberta why not plant some feed barley and bypass the elevator and rail system altogether??!! No lineups at most feedlots and they unload you quick. Need feed grain 365 days per year.


                Well trucking cost eat up most profit to southern Alberta from here north



                  Because as soon as it gets to reasonable price after the trucking bill someone in alberta uses their brains and brings in a train of corn.

                  10000 tonne unit train equals 250 super Bs not on the highway.


                    If you have a market it has to be well suppied. Once the decision to put the cattle on feed is made they must be fed so you do what you have to do. Obviously here in Canada( and anywhere for that matter) costs of moving production to market should be an important part of the planning process


                      BFW your new on here. Don't like my comments taking the fight to the quiet. Why not deliver on fall contracts at Patterson or Cargill in Alberta. Load trucks and head west. Flood Alberta elevators off the combine so you guys can actually see what's going on with rail service in this country. Its not about the CWB that issue is dead. Its about farmers not getting a fair shake because when a railway gets behind to make things look good they short one area and take from the other to make them look good. You sound like your in a area like that. Maybe we all need to deliver into your area with 30 or 40 super Bs a day and flood your points then you will understand the rail problems.


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