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Canada won’t tell railways where to ship grain for now

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    BF you don't think our high through put elevators are assembled to move grain fast like yours in Alberta. I have 7 within 10 min to a hour by semi.
    Bins that have grain ready to go when cars arrive.
    You said your family farm is close to the elevators I talk about in alberta delivering to. So my comment is don't short one area when the shit show starts to unravel.


      Get rid of basis levels. Charge elevation and freight but not charge us because you don t want it because the railways won t take it? What a fm joke basis has become a money making scheme and an excuse for grain cos not to go after rail.


        You need simply: regulation that allows reciprocal penalties for failure to serve.

        You need an instituted process of monitoring service, First and foremost; revert to above.

        This would need regulation which was asked for and failed to institute.

        As for value add, how can you value add in this country if you cannot reach export markets and ship at any reasonable level of proficiency.

        Ain't gonna happen.... unless this government does more with the CTA than make another study to gather dust.

        What are the odds?


          Just in case someone is still reading: the service level agreements WITH TEETH were dropped form the legislation in 2012, had they been granted would have impacted the service levels received in 2013, and certainly today.

          The government knows what they have to do: will they do it?


            failure to serve regulations

            that is interfering in the free market.

            not from this govt.
            I have faith the market will sort this out.
            because i am a market girl.

            god help us
            and i thought Ritz was bad


              Was talking with the NFU president the other night and he is angry with the situation. He specifically asked MPs in Ottawa who would be able to put pressure on the railways to make timely deliveries and coordinate movement to coast of the appropriate types as it was needed. He was assured there would be no problems - the free market would take care of it post CWB.

              He also showed a graph showing how the RR's take of grain prices has more than doubled but that is nothing to what the grain Co's increase has been. So chasing the RR's and hunger strikes against them is largely pursuing the wrong target.


                He should tell the rr's to put up a graph of grain prices over the past three years.



                  While I can find facts to back up the CNCP take on the grain freight in western Canada... I have not seen where you get the statistics to back up your grainco profit numbers. In dealing with basis levels for fall 2015... on Canola we are getting bids better than ever before for off the combine sales.

                  I can't reconcile this accusation. We ARE working on a better CWB to provide an alternative for arbitrage... which I am told will be put in place BEFORE the next federal election this fall.


                    Sounds good Tom, but Like it was said many many many times before, shouldn't that have been done with some forethought before changes were made.


                      BTW Grassy,

                      I see this on AGT:

                      You expect me to seriously take your comments as reality... when our major grain buyer went from a loss of $10M last year... to a profit of $20M on $1.35B in sales! These people are not making any reasonable profit... for the risks involved a reasonable person would conclude.

                      How any comparison with CP Rail 59 percent cost 41 percent RR running profit for 2014 (Vs 2012 75 cost 25 profit)... and the reported 62 percent return on regulated grain shipments in 2013-14 western Canada... simply defies logic.
                      TOM Jackson HUNGER STRIKE day 26.

                      "AGT Foods & Ingredients, previously Alliance Grain Traders, posted a 19% increase in revenue for the year ended December 31 to $1.357 billion and net earnings of $19.76 million vs a year-ago loss of $9.72 million. Cost of goods sold dropped to 90.3% of sales from 91.5 in 2013 and gross profit increased 36%. Earnings for the fourth quarter jumped 118% to $14.9 million from $6.8 on a 6% increase in quarterly revenue to $398 million. The Cana-Turkish company is in the midst of a diversification from raw pulse and other crop trading to value-added processing including consumer-ready foods." Agriweek report


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