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Interesting notification....

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    Interesting notification....

    From P&H: "Due to the lack of registered MRL by the manufacture, all P&H locations will NOT be accepting ANY grain treated with Manipulator."
    That may throw a wrench into some marketing plans...
    Some local independents were really looking foreword to this to compliment high fertility usage.
    Klause , what was the other product you were playing with? Is it registered?

    Ouch and the games continue!


      Manipulator isn't registered in the US yet and they are our biggest customer. Not sure this is a bad thing that they are taking precautions..that's all we need is to have the US border shut down due to an unregistered chemical being detected in a shipment of grain going south.


        Was planning on doing trials this summer with manip. Not going to.

        Funny, was going to post this exact question.


          We have had very good results in splitting fert applications to achieve the same result as PGR's - will stay the course now.


            Excuse my ignorance furrow, what kind of fertilizer are you using, and when are you applying it to get it to shorten the crop? How much does it shorten it?
            If it's at flag leaf in wheat, you'd get the protein bump too.


              Not realy trying to shorten crop just making less avail early . When we push anything over 75 N at seeding we have lodging issues. We just dropped to 55 and add a bit at herbicide and fungicide . The stage from flag to heading we do get a protien bump. Basicaly just trying to feed the heads and not excessive straw growth.
              We could never get decent protien without adding to much N at seeding causing lodging.
              That is with liquid , with dry more guys are using ESN but I a not sure how / if it effects straw height.


                I think Manipulator (or it's active) is registered stateside. It's not allowed to be used on US bound wheat (from Canada) yet though.

                At a recent meeting an agronomist for CPS said the lack of clearance was due to negotiations over MCOOL. I personally think he's full of shit and it's just another non tariff trade barrier.


                  Ethrel is the one we use....

                  It's not the active in Manipulator it's the surfactants that are the problem.


                    Also the company behind Manipulator is having meetings with the EPA to get it cleared... they are hoping to have it sorted by July


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