duplicate truckers strike in Brazil, that's how.
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i think even if MPs had a mind of their
own. they are afraid to say it.
it is just a one man show. this many years in power and no visible decent .
that is pretty amazing.
eg. is there not one con.MP in the country that has reservations about bombing Syria.
if there is we have not heard a peep.
i find that a little scary.
There is a good comparison of two issues.
2 years ago ISIL wasn't a problem but railways were.
Now they want to solve a problem halfway around the world that just popped up and absolutely forget about the domestic rail issues.
Rah rah for war that can't be won.
At least the world wars ended with progress and some peace. How long has this middle east bullshit been going on? It's a no win and just makes canada look stupid and will cost too much just got a loss.
That money would go a long way in infrastructure in canada - a much better value.
It's call diverting the attention from the real problems that are facing all Canadians in different matters (economy,tabling the budget, unemployment,a housing bubble etc etc) It's much easier to send F-18s to bombs in Iraq than solve the real problems here in Canada.
Yes true. But wouldn't it make more sense to have a domestic infrastructure program than go bomb another country without permission then be sent the bill for rebuilding it as well. That doubles the bill.
Why not fix our own infrastructure with that money.
What's worse is that these ****ing guys in Ottawa will go to court to deny benefits for the men and women that are sent to fight over there as well.
I know I am off topic.
But if you are going to monitor problems domestically and world wide, get the priorities straight.
Or at least be consistent in your approach.
If you can bomb another country you can nationalize the domestic railways.
One error in your logic remains...
Two wrongs do not make a right... if supporting the international community is actually 'wrong' in the wider sense.
We need true market pull... pushing a string does not work well in the long term... and you must admit governments should only be involved in the economy to set fair and decent ground rules... as we know how politics is fickle and much too often is not the best driver when motivated by popular opinion!
As with Justin T... who tends 'doesn't stand for anything... but has shown will fall for everything else'! Having a back bone and standing on sound principals... gets folks yelled at... but the underlying principals are actually sound even though public opinion may not agree at the moment.
We do live in interesting times... the Middle east is in a real mess... Of this there can be no question! Doing nothing when the pot is boiling over... is unlikely to stop this cauldron from spilling over on the rest of the planet!
The solution is to divert a big portion of farmer check off funds to support a Farmers Advocate Office, like the Compass review suggested and Gov't ignored. In the interest of producers.
Give them all the power of the old Ass't Commissioners Office and more to catch up with changes that have come about and include the transportation issue.
Give the industry back to farmers rather than viewing them as a supplier to the industry.
If anyone was serious about stopping the middle east shit the would ban arms trading in that area.
Do you think those guns and arms fall from the sky? And if they do who do you think is flying the plane?
Leaders want this nonsense to continue.
I doubt an average person could afford the wespobs they are blowing shit up with over there.
This is one big game and I think making stuff work at home is more important.
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