This whole rail issue, that started in fall of 2013, all through 2014 and still just getting close to catching up in spring of 2015.
Big losers in the whole mess were farmers.
It was a great time to actually get some action done on the transportation file and take Canada into this new century ahead of others.
But we studied and listened to industry and studied some more and then did nothing as a smaller crop and down turn in oil helped straiten out the mess.
Sad really but that's how its done in Canada. Divide farmers first by groups that had great movement against those who had no movement. Divide and conquer.
Bring a spokesman out to show us stupid farmers that Basis is where it is because it just is.
Then again time goes buy and nothing happens. Over and over and over.
Read in USA as much as the guy controls so much in USA Buffet understands BNSF has to upgrade to keep the USA up on Exports.
Big infusion of cash to get this happening.
In Canada its shift every thing to Half speed and all is good.
Grain companies were as much to blame for the shit show as rail.
Profits from last year prove all was a smoke screen.
Farmers lost and industry won.
Big losers in the whole mess were farmers.
It was a great time to actually get some action done on the transportation file and take Canada into this new century ahead of others.
But we studied and listened to industry and studied some more and then did nothing as a smaller crop and down turn in oil helped straiten out the mess.
Sad really but that's how its done in Canada. Divide farmers first by groups that had great movement against those who had no movement. Divide and conquer.
Bring a spokesman out to show us stupid farmers that Basis is where it is because it just is.
Then again time goes buy and nothing happens. Over and over and over.
Read in USA as much as the guy controls so much in USA Buffet understands BNSF has to upgrade to keep the USA up on Exports.
Big infusion of cash to get this happening.
In Canada its shift every thing to Half speed and all is good.
Grain companies were as much to blame for the shit show as rail.
Profits from last year prove all was a smoke screen.
Farmers lost and industry won.