One little boy quits politics and gets a seat on a railway board of directors.
It pays a little wage of over 250,000.00
That's a hot seat.
Then yesterday after farm groups and studies show that the railways are behind and hurt the rural economy over the last two years by some 5.6 Billion.
Ottawa says every thing is ok. Nothing to see and lets sing a song together and move on, we did our part.
WTF. Was it me or did our own government just take every supporter in western Canada and crush them.
Every thing is not back to normal. When cars are dropped off then picked up empty and moved to another location only to come back in 3 days that's double spotting to make numbers look good. Why are crushers slowing down? Ah its because their is no movement of meal and oil out. Cant shut them down but you can send them to bull low.
So here is my question for today, Who got the golden handshake and who got the shaft.
Because as Farmers all our back sides should feel sore today. Glad we gave the Industry a 5.6 billion pay day buy producing a great crop.
The study also said that if nothing changes by industry in five years we will totally be off the rails.
All farmers try to improve their business to be more efficient maybe its time for the rest to get their shit together.
We have done our part.
It pays a little wage of over 250,000.00
That's a hot seat.
Then yesterday after farm groups and studies show that the railways are behind and hurt the rural economy over the last two years by some 5.6 Billion.
Ottawa says every thing is ok. Nothing to see and lets sing a song together and move on, we did our part.
WTF. Was it me or did our own government just take every supporter in western Canada and crush them.
Every thing is not back to normal. When cars are dropped off then picked up empty and moved to another location only to come back in 3 days that's double spotting to make numbers look good. Why are crushers slowing down? Ah its because their is no movement of meal and oil out. Cant shut them down but you can send them to bull low.
So here is my question for today, Who got the golden handshake and who got the shaft.
Because as Farmers all our back sides should feel sore today. Glad we gave the Industry a 5.6 billion pay day buy producing a great crop.
The study also said that if nothing changes by industry in five years we will totally be off the rails.
All farmers try to improve their business to be more efficient maybe its time for the rest to get their shit together.
We have done our part.