See one thing that's different from the USA and Canada! Buffet realizes that the only way the usa can get back to number one is build at home USA made and then ship to the world like they use to. So he is putting billions into the BNSF. Upgrade, double lines and stream line. So when the USA needs to get their goods to the world the infrastructure is their to handle it.
Vision from a billionaire for the good of his own country. Yes if he succeeds he will make billions but big deal its look at the big picture.
In Canada their is lots of talk like 25 by 2025. Or wheat yields are going up with great new seed rules so trend line will increase.
Well if our infrastructure doesn't get their shit together we will be destroyed again every time we have a bumper.
Oil, gas, fert, lumber, pipe, steel, copper, etc all need to go places tough when a 1940 rail system is in place.
I guess the infrastructure is like a farmer that sold out years ago, runs his dad's equipment and same size farm till everything was worn right out then quit. You acomplished so much.
One country has a guy with vision, he will make. Money also. Here we have no vision and will continue to bleed some till it's all scrap.
Ah farming!
Vision from a billionaire for the good of his own country. Yes if he succeeds he will make billions but big deal its look at the big picture.
In Canada their is lots of talk like 25 by 2025. Or wheat yields are going up with great new seed rules so trend line will increase.
Well if our infrastructure doesn't get their shit together we will be destroyed again every time we have a bumper.
Oil, gas, fert, lumber, pipe, steel, copper, etc all need to go places tough when a 1940 rail system is in place.
I guess the infrastructure is like a farmer that sold out years ago, runs his dad's equipment and same size farm till everything was worn right out then quit. You acomplished so much.
One country has a guy with vision, he will make. Money also. Here we have no vision and will continue to bleed some till it's all scrap.
Ah farming!