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Different product, similar result

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    Any of you guys know what "delusional" is? LOL


      Yep, and did you know that when your pointing your finger at someone, you have three pointing back at yourself? LOL


        "Delusional" is thinking its a good thing to be charging new dairy farmers ever-increasing $ to buy a piece of paper that allows them to produce milk, and charging ever-increasing $ to consumers to help these farmers buy out the original quota owners. Capitalized future subsidy is quickly becoming the lions share of our Canadian grocery bill when purchasing dairy, chicken.
        This is totally different from the CWB monopsony that for 70 years was the only buyer that western Canadian wheat farmers could sell to, but were only one of many sellers of wheat in world markets.


          Dairy Cow Guys = Whiney *******

          We Out Here Scraping Dollars Together Tryna Make a Nickel Wit No Guaranteed Pay Cheque and These Dairy Cow Guys Think They are Entitled To a Set Rate!!!!!!!!!!

          Welcome To Reality!!!!!!!!!


            Hilarious - "allowed a sort of collusion with the rail monopolies to under invest in rail capacity for decades, and now we're reaping the results of that lack of investment in capacity."
            Fact is the CWB was the only entity that had any kind of leverage to extract decent service from the railways - now you miss that but still it's the CWB's fault.

            If "subsidized" high price chicken is eating up the lions share of your shopping budget I guess you won't be able to afford any of that "free market" beef eh?
            Don't let the facts get in the way of the ideology!

            Always the pretence that the CWB was like a grain company that you had to sell to when in fact it was pure and simply a marketing organisation working on behalf of farmers. Finding markets, organising the logistics of the sales and shipping to market and paying the farmer the proceeds of those sales minus the costs of operating. If you can't acknowledge that it isn't worth having the conversation.

            Delusional is thinking that individual farmers because they now have the internet and a smart phone can somehow deal on a level playing field with the Cargills and ADMs of the world once the only marketing power they had has been thrown away.

            Same story as the milk changes in Europe - at least there the farmers are a bit more alert to the danger.

            This is totally different from the CWB monopsony that for 70 years was the only buyer that western Canadian wheat farmers could sell to, but were only one of many se



              You n' The Old Nags Get All Settled in Yet in Manitoba??????



                Your defense of the CWB... claimed that somehow they had some reasonable control over railroads or the service they provided grain growers?

                That the CWB could tell CNCP to buy Locomotives... hire people, haul grain to port... any different than legislation ordered CNCP to haul our grain in Dec-April 2015?

                Delusi.... would be a good start on what powers the CWB had... Subject to CWB Ministerial orders... etc... etc...

                Your fingers are pointing....


                  How would it have been helpful telling farmers you can only haul in 40% of your wheat crop this year, but if you try to sell it yourself, we'll make sure you go to jail. At least the single desk buyer would have saved the railroad from having to bust their hump shipping a big crop though. /sarc


                    GF You are so right about those thinking they could show Carghill, Louis Dryfus and so on how to market grain.
                    But they will never admit that mabey they gave away the farm, they will go to thier grave swearing they were right by god.Rather than admit THEY may have done something wrong.


                      Re spect fully The multi graincos sold the majority of the single desk grain simply because at best western Canada had 15-20 percent of world grain markets... And knew exactly where the demand and future sales would be as they themselves were the market in some cases.

                      How any sane person would fall for the single desk explanation is difficult for my mind to comprehend.
                      The results after the August 1 2012 bare this out in full colour... As prices went up significantly... Not down as the conspiracy single desk theorists predicted and predicated.
                      To somehow now..: going against the vast majority of relevant indicated issues.... Blame those who stood for private property rights... Further the right of the individual grain growers to determine the destiny of their own family farms...

                      To preach that this respect and freedom being returned to those whom had these common law rights taken during the second World War...was
                      somehow a 'sin' is simply flabbergasting.
                      I do not buy your argument for a millisecond.

                      We will do better.

                      This is not over... The CWB was Not dismantled.
                      Time will tell how many of us who had the hope of better arbitragers in the market... Are allowed to participate in a more rational market system like the US or AU grain growers utilize now.
                      It took close to 70 years to fractionate and distort CWB products... I didn't expect this to be magically solved in a year or two.
                      Have a good Easter Monday!

                      You can crucify and execute me../ but don't
                      expect an apology for proper God Fearing respect of others inalienable rights to choose their own way.
                      As we shouldn't force a certain faith perspective... No matter how tempting and self gratifying it may seem...
                      Love and Charity must be a matter of free will... Chosen respectively and carefully...
                      Or the result is not lasting Love nor prosperity!


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