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Different product, similar result

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    "God Fearing respect of others inalienable rights to choose their own way" my ass Tom,
    How did you "Further the right of the individual grain growers to determine the destiny of their own family farms" when the majority always voted to retain the single desk?
    You and the rest of the vocal minority took away the property rights of these people when you sided with the Government to abolish the CWB. You don't have too much to get preachy about.


      while i think it is not right that quota
      has got to the price it is.
      what busting up any marketing boards
      does is , to change the power in the marketplace.
      from the farmer to the corporation.

      from then on , the corp.s rule the roost
      decide who gets what cut , and in the end ultimately dictates price to consumer.

      similar in some ways to Harper giving the medical pot business to the corporations. (you just can't have a bunch of hippies making money off it)

      it is just not right to allow small independent producers direct access to
      the markets and their returns.

      we see it in the grains , with seed and chemical control of that business.

      you just can not ,in the long run have farmers , making good coin.
      it is just is not right.

      the top 1 %is supposed to make most of the money on everything no matter who does the work.
      at least our federal govt. supports that goal.


        <i>" the majority always voted to retain the single desk?"</i>

        Here we go again. The tired old communist idea that someone with no investment in my farm should be able to dictate what I can do with my property and try to make it seem legitimate with a "vote".

        And as for the alleged "majority", the CWB knew from their own surveys that the majority of full time commercial farmers wanted market freedom. That's why every landlord, dead or alive got to vote in director elections, regardless of whether they were actually farming or not, or whether farming was their main career, or a hobby on the side. There was no desire to carry out the wishes of actual full time farmers because it took power away from an elite few.

        Thankfully we had a government that would stand up to <b>a tyranny that should never have existed </b>in a free and democratic society.


          Grass farmer
          How is many people voting what faith a person should be... Any different than telling me and my family whom we must associate with... To force the blood sweat and tears of our labours and dreams... Into an uncaring 'majority' that could have cared less what the 'collective' did to my farm and family.
          Sounds like another form of Islamic State... If you cross us... You will pay even more!
          The principals are the same. I have the power to take your farm... Hurt you and your family... Against your will. So you can pump your ideology if we, our family, agree or not. Change the rules to keep power... And Stop personal freedoms... Because you think you are entitled to take what is not yours... Without consent...
          Have a great evening!


            Ya, what tom and others said in their last few posts!! Ah , no, not sawfly.


              Or horse, whether your a thorobred or a heinz 57.


                Its called vote rigging Farmranger, something that shouldn't happen in a free and democratic society either. But I guess it's ok if some of you "big guys" wanted it, tough shit on the smaller operators, some of the biggest (many of the Hutterites) and all these old fools that were getting in the way of you hotshot's aspirations.
                So predictable, seen it all before, the dairy sector in the UK for one example which was why I posted the original article.
                You'll learn in time the consequences of your actions.

                and some of the really big ones like the Hutterite colonies


                  You're darn tootin it was vote rigging, but I guess since it was only screwing "big" guys who farmed more than a 1/4 section, that was OK with you.

                  We got rid of the monopsony, now we need to get rid of the rail monopoly. That kind of change, I can definitely live with.


                    Welcome to MB. grassfarmer, the great bastion of socialism,you'll fit right in, heck i bet you moved here because you were looking' for a government job! Well your in luck 'cause that's all we have!!



                      "Time will tell how many of us who had the hope of better arbitragers in the market... Are allowed to participate in a more rational market system like the US or AU grain growers utilize now."

                      I thought once the monopoly was gone this was automatic. What are you saying Tom, things not working out as you had visioned post monopoly. Tom you like to think you know everything about marketing, but your posts are constantly contradicting one another.

                      Tom, what does religion have to do with marketing wheat?


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