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Record deployment!

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    Record deployment!

    Input Capital Corp. Announces Record Capital Deployment in Q4 Operations Update
    REGINA, April 7, 2015 /CNW/ - Input Capital Corp. ("Input") (TSX Venture: INP) (US: INPCF), is releasing its quarterly operations update for Q4 of its 2015 fiscal year, which provides a summary of capital deployed in the acquisition of new multi-year canola streams and a preliminary summary of quarterly canola deliveries for the quarter ending March 31, 2015. The final accounting of quarterly results will be published in Input's year-end financial statements and MD&A when these are finalized and filed in due course.

    $20.2 Million Deployed into 35 Canola Streams

    During the quarter, Input entered into thirty five canola streaming contracts in Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba for total up-front payments of $20.2 million. As a result, Input more than tripled its total number of canola streams from 15 to 68 over the last fiscal year, successfully expanding into Manitoba and Alberta. 

    A summary of the capital deployment for the previous three fiscal years is summarized in the table below:

    Fiscal Year
    Deployment ($ millions)
    Total Number of Streaming Clients

    "We are very excited about the progress we have made building our book of canola streams over the past year," said President and CEO Doug Emsley. "Our marketing efforts are paying off, we have expanded into two more provinces, and we are de-risking our portfolio with large numbers of smaller streams spread across a growing geographic area. Streaming is on its way to becoming a standard tool for farmers to flexibly fund their working capital requirements."

    These newly announced investments bring Input's total capital deployment to date to $80.0 million in canola streaming contracts with a total of sixty eight farmers.

    Near-Term Contracted Volume Summary Based on Current Streaming Contracts

    Harvest Year
    Projected Base Tonnes
    Average Crop Payment per Base Tonne(1)

    Record Canola Tonnage Delivered and Sold

    Input sold 7,269 metric tonnes ("tonnes" or "MT") of canola during the quarter at an average price of $459 per MT, for quarterly streaming revenue of $3.3 million.

    Input also generated $5.7 million in revenue through short-term canola trading contracts with producers.

    For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015, Input sold 24,181 MT of canola at an average price of $459 per MT, for annual streaming revenue of $11.1 million. This represents a year-over-year quadrupling in canola sold and streaming revenue received.

    The following table summarizes canola sales for the 2015 fiscal year, compared to the 2014 fiscal year:

    Fiscal Quarter
    FY Total
    FY2014 Canola Streaming Volume (MT)

    Average Net Realized Price

    FY2015 Canola Streaming Volume (MT)

    Average Net Realized Price
    % Change (in Volume)

    Due to rail transportation and system delays, the sale of approximately 11,500 MT of canola from the 2014 crop will be carried over into Input's next fiscal year.

    In addition, as a result of poor canola crop results in 2014 in parts of eastern Saskatchewan, Input is working with a few farmers in the region to amend their streaming delivery schedules. It is expected that about 9,400 MT that had been scheduled for delivery from the 2014 crop will be rescheduled into future crop years.

    "While we are very happy with Input's growth over the past year, we are not entirely satisfied with the grain system's ability to receive our streamed canola in as timely and predictable a way as we would like," said President and CEO Doug Emsley. "We are developing a new canola marketing plan for the upcoming year with the goal of improving our transportation and logistics in order to make Input's canola deliveries more timely, regular and predictable."

    80mil deployed to farmers.

    Any guesses to where nonmath educated farmers will spend the capital?


    Over & Out


      Hey drowning farmer let me through you a life preserver and then throughs an anchor.

      Those ****ers should pray never to meet me.


        All it means is more farmers in all provinces need cash from the last chance club to put in a crop.
        They even have trouble deliverin,


          It will be funny when the wanna be BTO suddenly discover what little land they own is suddenly owned by Input Capital as well. (or Daddy's land as the case may be) Dealing with the mafia is likely the better plan.


            Roughly 1.2M per farmer. Still unclear what latest hybrid of a leach this is.


              I predict another big buy of farmland to CPP.

              Emsley just keeps collecting and reselling.

              And the government both provincially and federally approve of his efforts.

              The easiest way to control farmers is to keep them as peasants.

              So if the government can't peasant them by the so called open market they ask their buddies at the railways and graincos to help out. Then call in emsley to finish the job. He is like a cleaner.

              50000 farmers at a individual value of a million and collectively treated like peasants.....we did it to ourselves.

              We have sold our pools thanks to allowing buffoons to bankrupt them.

              If we thought like warren buffet farmers would buy a railway.

              Just so you know it is possible and would be profitable.

              Why do think cp is buying back their shares?

              Buy a railroad and the profits alone are more than any government handed out to help farmers.

              Potash corp and mosaic could buy a railway.

              Speaking of railways has anyone watched railroad Alaska.?

              The railway actually stops in the middle of butt**** nowhere to pick a guy up at the side of railway. Just like a hitchhiker. Pretty interesting.


                It's still a land play in the end.

                Over & Out


                  Why is it yall assume everything is evil and we are always victims.

                  This kind of scheme exists for other commodities why not grains?

                  The guys in Eastern SK are getting "amended" contracts as per the release...

                  If Input was only after land why wouldn't they take it and run?


                    Well this is evil because they front about $300 inputs per tonne of canola and then pay the grower $80 per tonne (at time of sale) so they have $380 per tonne in the canola sold for $459. That is a 26.3% profit margin and then they have the balls to ask for land as security. So the grower provided machinery, labour, and storage for $80 per tonne and trucked it to an elevator.


                      Input capital pays ahead and takes ownership where exactly does this happen elsewhere????


                        The play here is to get the land. And right now it looks like they are collecting 1000 dollar an acre land for about 380.

                        That's a great deal.

                        I may be wrong and I hope I am. But if land values drop and the crop don't come in, it could get ugly.


                          Good grief. Actually get someone to explain the program to you.... completely wrong.



                            Since you know.

                            Is it linked to your land or not?


                              As far as I know no differently than any other line of credit or operating line you may have.

                              Think about it... what use would they have taking your land then you are pissed at them and won't farm it... now it becomes a liability.

                              I can put 20 quarters in a list that are investor owned with no tenants in a 50 mile radius of here.


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