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Cwb sale will cost election?
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It won't mean a thing to an election....and we never had a choice and we aren't meant to have a say. Someday the general public might catch on; but it will either be too late or else there wont be enough involved who see it as significant enough to still do anything about it.
For all you that support trucking over long distances - wait till the infrastructure bill comes for those highways.
It's not sustainable. But carry on wrecking them instead of fixing the core problem.
Rail cars and railways cost less in the long term than highways.
"Selling the CWB to a rich foreign country that needs lot and lots of wheat!!!! Sounds like a winner to me".
Are you that naive to think Canadian wheat isn't already being marketed to the Saudi's by one of the existing grain companies?? Or that in some way this is going to increase demand, competition, or prices for Canadian wheat.
I doubt any one on here would require your marketing services. Maybe next time when your visiting granny in the home she could explain how world grain marketing and pricing works!!
Now that Salic is a fully integrated canadian company with deep roots here there will be nothing stopping them from buying canadian farmland.
And according to cotton's calculations that would only take about 20 days of record oil pumping to do. Even at 50 bucks a barrel.
Buy when the world is in the shitter economically by dropping the price of oil?
Hook line and sinker.
Little wonder now how the pools got sold out with buffoons like ritz in charge.
Politics to some is a religion for some.a belief for life.uncoditional commitment. Will always see the the good and ignore and dismiss the bad.if you have only voted for one party and that party is the same as your parents you probably fit into this group of people.
Forage farmer is exactly right. SA is not an new or untapped market! Companies were selling there and will continue to sell there in spite of this deal. By buying Canadian a Canadian supply link the Saudis will may be able to reduce costs thereby reducing what they have to pay for grain they import. And guess where those saving will come from as other grain exporting countries lower their prices to compete. Our government has again reduced competition for buyers of our grain NOT INCREASED it. Nor is this a new grain company as it is touted. It is a renamed CWB with a FEW Bunge assets thrown in.
When I think of hair farmer Trudeau's upcoming policies all I come up with is leagalized marijuana and a national carbon cap and trade program. Thomas Mulcair wants a national child care program. They are both against going after Isis and I am sure both would either put us much deeper in debt or increase our taxes. My thought is Harper is far from perfect but still a better choice.
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