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Cwb sale will cost election?

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    Well as semi professional stripper i now have to drop my rates because if lack of demand and taking a checks from charity events is not thought of as cool so I get by on the loonies and toonies i pick up on the stage it's a bit humiliating crawling around on all fours but naked but a jobs a job


      Well I m gonna quit moonlighting also. I m not doing that ship unless it's for charity because I don't feel degraded if it's for a charity. That's what mr walnut says anyhow. Lol
      Marijuana must be legal in Regina.


        I am on a Hunger Strike because the BIG bullies CNCP put a Writ on all my land... for $423,000.00... when I actually did not... and don't yet... owe these folks one red cent.
        CNCP are being paid off... and they are clearly aware of this because they keep cashing the cheques.

        They put the Writ on to shut me up. I object. That is why. Hunger Strike day 48.


          Those 3 items are beneficial but port improvements and new markets have always been on going. How do those 3 balance with the partial list I posted ie fraud conviction, 50 million for Tony Clement, gazebogate...?For a party that I once supported they have fallen badly off the tracks and I fault our PM with his arrogance,entitlement and top down running of his ministers. A style more closely associated with right/left wing dictatorships in South America. His political ads during the Stanley Cup playoffs is a waste of taxpayers' money and an insult to our intelligence. Time for him to join Menzies and Baird.


            http://www.pcsask.ca/Documents/PC%20SASK%20News%20Release%20CWB%20Sale%20April%20 17%202015.pdf

            The Sask PC party have made a statement on their stand on this deal. Have any of the other provincial parties made a statement?


              I swear Rick Swensen read my mind.....


                ..............Or Instead SF3,  You could make a Day 40 Jackson v CNCP Hunger Strike Cocktail:  3oz fresh Strawberries; 1oz fresh Blueberries; 1 sprig Banana;  Put in blender mix with Orange Juice to top up your glass.  You can drink these early in the morning... and have no danger during the day of being arrested for DUI!   Just a thought... and have a bowl of Mushroom Soup... later in the day!


                Unfortunately I dont think most people "care"....



                  You asked for

                  "I'm waiting for your list of great improvements to our ag industry from the h party over the last 9 years"

                  You were specific. I chose the three that I considered the most important and listed them.

                  I could have listed this, for example, but I didn't think it as impt:

                  "The lifetime cumulative amount for the capital gains deduction will be increased from $750,000 to $800,000 for the 2014 taxation year and will be indexed to inflation for subsequent taxation years;". $50K is significant for farmers! How many farmers said thank you, btw? Jeez.

                  Don't change the goalposts, 99, even if you are pissy with the Cons. CPC has been tuned in to farmers. Pars.


                    No the CWB should not cost PM Harper the election:

                    1)There have been good agreements and nation building globally.

                    2)Softwood Lumber with US was settled.

                    3)Trade agreements with many far east counties that build better links to global markets.

                    4)Many would be surprised that after 10 years... Supply managed Agriculture is still functional and prospering to the extent it can today with the huge overhead quotas cost.

                    5)We have integrated transport systems, that transfer Billions in trade each month... in a reasonable manner without unnecessarily restrictive border controls.

                    6)Our Airlines are not bankrupt... making a reasonable profit at reasonable cost to the travelling public.

                    7)Our telecommunications/internet/cell are costing much less for many times the services in real and adjusted dollars than 10 years ago.

                    8)Our postal services have reasonable service and fast options for those willing to pay extra.

                    9)Our vehicle standards have been maintained to high North American standards... less pollution than EU vehicles... low sulphur diesel, Ethanol blended Gasoline... all that result in better air quality and less fuel consumption.

                    10)Lowest interest rates in over 50 years... allowing for capital investment in new and better Agriculture, Transportation, Forestry, Oil and Gas, Construction methods... an efficient low cost economy.

                    11)Cheapest food costs for Canadians... relative to earned wages... IN HISTORY.

                    12)Banking sector/credit card vendors required to roll back high charges and be transparent in contracts.



                      Just to counter not argue. Just some devils advocate stuff here.

                      1. Agreement to do what fight an unwinnable war? Or send products that can't make it to export due to transportation problems?

                      2. Have we got a lumber industry thriving again? The PA mill is gone.

                      3. We can't sevice those markets with a 1940s transportation system. It costs us.

                      4. Play with supply management and you do lose he election.

                      5. Taxpayers can't afford the highway infrastructure.

                      6. You pay to check anything over 20 pounds.

                      7. We made a 911 call when my daughter was unconcious under the 2 seater dropped 3 times. Cell service 4 miles from a tower ducks here. I call bullshit.

                      8. Hmmmmmm.

                      9. Just think if we had a network of rail how much cleaner it would be. Instead of trucks. Less diesel consumption as well. Farmers did their part by reducing tractor hours.

                      10. Why did evraz need taxpayer help to build additional steel capacity if that's the case?

                      11. Who do you think pays to have the cheapest food cost - that's right out of your back pocket .

                      12. And the banks still have billions in deferred taxes to pay.

                      Just saying.



                        Your 100% right, Harper will not lose the election because of the CWB.

                        Harper will lose his job as PM due to the fact that when someone takes on a job they are not qualified to do and they fail miserably at it they get canned. But, in Harper's case the voters of Canada will cast their well deserved vote elsewhere.

                        Cheers for democracy!!


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