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3 Billion new middle class consumers

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    3 Billion new middle class consumers

    Wow! we all better get our a$$es in gear for this challenge. No profit to primary producers mentioned of course, OR how to transport product to these RICH hungry new consumers! Only $275 a spot to hear the RITZ, and other brainy experts. Who is going? Young guns should...

    Click here...http://cwf.ca/cwf-events/how-the-west-can-help-feed-the-global-middle-class

    Sad when they want us to produce to feed the world and tell us how hungry the world is yet when you ask them why not better rail service or elevators that actually compete for business and not gouge on basis.
    Why grow it if the industry cant get their shit together.


      The Bio on Ritz Cracker

      "The Hon. Gerry Ritz, Federal Minister
      of Agriculture and Agri-Food
      Canada’s leading agricultural policy maker,
      Minister Ritz has industry knowledge
      acquired from running his own farming
      operation in Saskatchewan."

      So is there still a market for ostriches? Yup, we all can take lesson from Ritz, the successful farmer. Are all you guys and gays sending in your money to the hear first hand the secrets of raising ostriches?

      It's a tax write off anyways.


        Should read gals not guys, honest mistake.


          Is the Right Honourable Gerry providing the comedy relief for the evening? Just about everything he says is a joke.


            I would skip that meeting and attend something closer to the processors.
            How about this?

            You will find sales opportunities to feed the world at this convention . Why would you pay to have politicians of any party, tell you there is an extra 3 billion middle class people? We know that, what farmers need to learn is how to get the grain to those 3 billion people for a profit.
            It seems to me Klause connected the dots with a container load of wheat and fertilizer. I dont know Klause personally but I think thats pretty cool. I seriously doubt he attended a politics meeting to figure out his transaction.


              Attended these in the early 70s: you will never grow enough grain to feed the world, and the talk of 10$ wheat.
              Must be time to dumb down another generation with the proverbial challenge to feed the world cheap food.

              In the meantime we should worry about the declining competitive access of Canadian farmers today, which is the real problem


                Old news. Today the reality is that the middle class is shrinking in both China and the western world. China economy is as phony as a $3 bill propped up by bridge to no where infrastructure spending by local autorities. This is imploding as we speak. In the rest of the world the middle class is shrinking because of central bank money printing virtually every where making the only economic activity is speculating on government stupidity. Bottom line is that markets for Canadian ag products are actually shrinking not growing which is why we see dismal wheat pricing prospects.


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