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Friday and feel like a scrap. re- _ _ _ 😈 Old Guard!

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    Friday and feel like a scrap. re- _ _ _ 😈 Old Guard!

    First I want to ask forgiveness from the avers who suffered thru this read already. All avers deserve that much respect. Especially those wise enuf to stay above this. Lazily pasting a previous post. This question is for the usual suspects of which there are <6.
    Lack of response will be seen as typical. Hopefully replies will be entertainment for the weekend.
    No I'm not passive aggressive, just tired of standing still in a shit storm lately.

    I get a bang out of this site. 
    Stalin killed more Soviets than Hitler. Putin might be a modern version. We wring our hands or knit while Africa continues its starvation.  
    There are a few reasons to spank the Saudis, most of which the US and GB can be thanked for. We have many customers we need to keep a hideout gun for while we take their check. 
    Our sensibilities prefer certain buyers but the result is the same. Its useful to keep your enemies closer. We are either worthy opponents in the arena or we feed the lions. 
    Grow up everyone. Whats the difference holding your nose on a driveway here or on a trade mission in foreign lands? 
    Other countries are only too happy to take our money while they kick our ass. Why cant we do the same?  
    Owning a grain company here doesnt mean we have to accept their culture or tolerate it here. 
    Maybe if we had been this full of piss and vinegar these last 80 years it wuld look different today. 
    Which leads me to a question I should start a newthread with. Why the hell cant the Old Guard admit some culpability in all this. They had the reins while we sat in a time capsule. It seems since we closed down Avro its been OK to take second place. Its the Canadian way after all. 
    The Old Guard sat like mice under a bale while everything around them changed. 5 years ago I was in Winnipeg to learn how well we were being placed for the increased traffic to Europe! Twilight Zone shit! You had no idea it was no longer 1945! So by 2015 our infrastructure is foreign owned. What a *** surprise! For 70 years any thoughts other than status quo were dismissed as heresy, lunacy or treason. 
    Now your surprised that no one listens to you or believes you. You have no support. Your unique vision of farmer controled destiny doesnt exist today because of you. Like the tyrannical father who is surprised all his sons left home. 
    Even if youre willing to accept any responsibility, you would have to turn the clock back 70 years not 5! The universe as you thought it, was a dead man walking. 
    Are you able to use your intelligence for the task ahead? Until you people (you know who you are) can accept any responsibility we might all be doomed to be the cocks in the ring while the countries who accept the rules hold the money and the bets.

    Because they didn't know.

    Thought Putin was Eastern Orthodox not Bolshevik,look at Russian history post Yeltsin you'll see why he has an eighty percent approval rating.

    Control points/choke points is what we have never had.

    The old guard couldnt/wouldn't understand what was really needed but their hearts where in the right place


      Where are the visionaries, leaders, spirit and growth." For all of the resources, raw materials and God-given plenty, what do we have to show for the last century? Beurocracy without a plan has squandered the wealth and opportunities to grow this great nation. We know that our GDP depends on trade (whether it be raw materials or processed, manufactured goods) and the infrastructure to get the product to market is paramount.! Yet what has our generation done to improve and expand the rail system, the most vital link to the world? We need a leader who recognizes the fact that this is the weakest link and pull out all stops to change the system and open the tap. Government should not let the rail monopoly ruin the country. For what it's worth, this is my HO.


        The old guard got rid of a state-run grain industry so that today's farmers could choose new leaders from within itself. To build what you choose.

        The new industry will be only as good as you choose to make it. You really can't expect outsiders to do it for you, do you?

        Again and again you ask where the leaders are.

        You are the leaders of your own destiny. parsley.


          Great thoughts and I agree but the problem is nobody wants though love no more everybody is out for what I can have today and don't worry about tomorrow and nobody has any principles no more. We used to have nurses who cared about people but now they care for the paycheck so they can live in a nice house. I am not picking on nurses because their is lots of good ones there.Its seems to me that everybody is chasing the almighty buck,and don't care about anything else


            Sorry folks. Felt like blood and got no joy. Was walking my rounds into Captain No Nuts and Integrity Turd Pusher.
            Went to a Jim Byrnes blues concert tonight and am more mellow.
            Good comments everyone.
            Not intended for the Greatest Generation but rather a select few of the next one.



              I could not agree more. Farmers destroyed the 70 percent coop owned grain system in western Canada... not the government. The very farmers who backed the friends of the CWB.

              There is little doubt... that grain growers need to grow grain... they make poor managers of multibillion $$$ megamarketers... which are needed to be competitive in todays risk environment and integrated food supply system.

              Having your cake... and expecting everyone else to turn the page... as you write the cheques for yourself ... is living in a fantasy world.

              Hence the Pools were bailed out... and bought out.

              We make the bed we lay in... of this there is no doubt! Good words wise logic... and a hard lesson to learn... we had it all... and let it fall through the fingers of personal greed and corrupt power concepts that had no basis in reality.

              Minister Goodale knew the iron fisted Single Desk needed to be dismantled. He thought farmers were smart enough to read the writing on the wall. Goodale was sadly mistaken... so much more 'could have, should have, and would have' been accomplished... If unrealistic power hungry folks had stood back... and stared reality and past mistakes in the face.

              The irony is... they blame ME... for the mistakes they made.



                NO Way. The contention that the

                'Old Gaurd' had their
                in the right 'place'
                is Unacceptable.

                Great leaders... FROM Alberta... worked tirelessly to change our Grain Industry.

                Legends in Leadership:

                JAMES Chateneay. Gave everything for the CWB.
                Lost Dear Olive... the best years of his life with Olive were torture and unforgivable (but by the grace of God) and unspeakable mean spirited vengeful acts of GREED.


                Henry Vos;
                Jeff Nielsen:

                Were wonderful leaders and visionaries...

                Great Leaders who were thrown 'under the bus'
                for the selfish Single Desk Religion.

                To 'say' the 'old guard' didn't know better...

                Is inaccurate and part of the attitude that in reality caused the downfall of the best the CWB SHOULD have become; honestly speaking.

                Intimidate me; call me all the names you can muster... sadly this IS the TRUTH.

                Ricky Strankman continues in the 'Truth'... as does Sam Magnus... colleagues who are working tirelseely to make our province and country a better place politically. Thanks Sam and Ricky.


                  Your saying they intentionally wanted to screw us?i guess its possible.


                    Look at the people that gave us socialized medicine. Five thousand dollars per man woman and child and rising kick in education and some other things round it of to ten grand a year per person and the government is spending 50 g's a year off my house alone all based on good intentions,which the road to hell.....


                      Sadly...anything was better than admitting the error of their 'religion'.


                        Yes, Tom there were a couple of dozen people including yourself who worked tirelessly to destroy the CWB and its good work. Practically no attempt to reform or change it for today's role in marketing.

                        Well you succeeded and what was the result...CHAOS, UNCERTAINTY, DEPRESSION, LOSS OF ANY KIND OF CONTROL BY PRODUCERS.
                        Government interference and silly stupid decisions by Ritz and Harper who don't even THINK of the little guy but only the INDUSTRY.


                          I do see opportunity, too, wil. Lots of it. After all , farmers produce the grain. My but you are doom and gloom this morning, though! Could I send you a nest-box of kittens to cheer your outlook? pars


                            Had the "Friends of the CWB' respected any one else's property rights for a milli-second; this likely wouldn't have happened.

                            To bully those who stand hand in hand with farm folks who were hurt... year after year...

                            Because you/yours had/have covetous hearts... to take others' property without permission... or even to lust after taking my families grain...

                            So many great co-ops work very well... where we can and do work together to better our family farms and country.

                            The CWB never was a co-op... even if your deny the truth and facts... this denial will not change the past... no matter how many times you and your friends of the CWB repeat this fiction.

                            WAS WRONG.


                              If all that energy was put into transport and agronomy instead of fighting over grain marketing, we would all be better off. Instead we have the mess we have today, with farmers fighting over scraps from grain companies and the railways. We have a government that is only interested in the corporate good, so bend over and take it.


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