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Grain millers and fall applied roundup!

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    Hobby - The general consuming public are not the ones who are bringing forth the fear lingering based on pseudo sciences. It is in fact the "freaks" who for the most part have a vested interest in organics and/or have something to gain thru their statements. It is your organic customers, let's call them Big Organics, who are spreading misinformation this risking the long term food supply unknowingly.


      Sumdumguy - Science has proven over and over again that glyphosate is safe. That GMOs are safe. That's how I know I'm right. Do not cherry pick.

      Hobby - Just to clarify. I do realize this topic isn't organic against conventional. It is about quality and strengths needed for the milling process.


        haha They're freaks again because they don't want unneeded chem applied to their food for the farmers convenience.

        Can you not see that producing more per acre isn't helping anyone except seed/fert/chem companies and shareholders? These biotech companies should be focusing on the main (logistic, political) issues so that maybe people there would be a market for the stuff you guys love to grow when the rich nations finally say enough is enough.


          Pre harvest desication is not an unneeded app of a herbicide. It is essential in most operations in A it of growing regions in W Can. Shows how out of touch you are with conventional farming.


            Are you a freak or malcontent or a fraud if you spread misinformation thru fear mongering for your own personal gains? Absolutely!


              Typical of most conversations on AV, the thread has gone from discussing the actual issue (it is milling quality, not about food safety) to someone's personal agenda attacking each other... If you want to talk about how safe glyphosate is on your grain and food, start a new thread... oh wait, SF3 actually started this thread with misinformation because he failed to read the whole email...


                This is an issue about spraying glyphoste on oats which may leave a fractionated groat, hence lower milling yeild. Obviously it is happening enough that the end users, the people who write the cheque to the farmer for milling oats, have made their position clear. It has nothing to do with spreading fear. This is an end user relaying information to its customers, the farmers.
                The farmers seem to be defensive and want to blame consumers and call them freaks..... Nice.

                It is a free country farmers can continue to pre harvest glyphosate.spray oats but they just cannot sell to grain millers .


                  See you think its a needed app, because that's what you've been told by the suppliers. It wasn't needed 15 years ago before the price of roundup dropped... and still isnt needed by organic producers growing the same crops in the same areas.


                    This is listed as a milling issue with this mill only. So far, No other mill has reported issues or concerns.


                      Do the loudest on here really want to lose glyphosate completely? If so how ignorant.
                      I remember 3x the diesel burnt and the dust. Wearing out a tractor completely.


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