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What is a troll?

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    <a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i335.photobucket.com/albums/m441/npksetal/Agriville-crop_zpsnseycvq7.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo Agriville-crop_zpsnseycvq7.jpg"/></a>

    That my friends, is called a "Master Troll."


      Too much fun!

      Here is a good example - The March against monsanto page. Try posting anything there that doesn't say Monsanto is the devil and you will immediately be called a troll. That you are posting only to piss people off.

      Did anyone read the scotiabank post on the fear of fertilizer prices going down? Here on this site its pretty cool, on the scotiabank site when you say its a good thing fert will be getting cheaper - voila - you're a troll.

      Social media is a fickle ninny. As of late it seems if you challenge someone who doesn't have the ability to argue the point or just doesn't want to be challenged, or knowingly get caught with the academic pants down, the immediate and convenient reaction is to yell, troll.

      Its why i asked SF3 what his yield was. 50 posts later its 39. Pretty darn good, was i troll for asking? Nope, just asking.

      We are in big trouble if some learn the word shill.


        As far as I'm concern farmers are the biggest whiners, over paid members of Canadian society. They want government to bail them out every time there is any kind of crisis. Other businesses go under everyday and get no attention at all.

        Grain farmer work three months a year and curl, play homo hockey, drink coffee, and vacation the rest of the year. They all vote Conservative no matter how shitty of a job they do. Sheep are their best friends (mainly Sask farmers with velcro gloves)


          What a Troll!!!!



            Tweety is succeeding
            SF3 lets him

            As for a shill, I vote Tom for the worst kept secret shill

            Many have called me anal, I'm not sure if that's a compliment or meant to be derogatory. Matter of opinion I guess...


              I think tweetys first words on here where "cotton you suck" which is funny because if we where face to face he would need a pretty good dental plan.

              Attack ideas and theories try to leave the individual out.


                Just read this

                Don't try to win over the Haters

                Your not the jackass whispers

                Ah farming !


                  I've met many people whose goal is to get under your skin...


                    The people of Sk( past and present) have always been on the leading edge of progressive ideas that have moved our country forward. Only recently have forces emerged to undo those ideas that have been the envy of liberal democracies around the world.


                      Its the culture here, mostly disrespect. No one wants to see that changed.

                      Often there are the same discussions in combine forum and they are respectful and far more useful information is discussed. That is its culture.

                      Face to face cotton, you don't eat carbs, you wouldn't have the energy. Yup, its the culture here. Definitely.


                        I never looked up The definition. I always visualized the 3 billy goats gruff.


                          So tweety on your its the culture here mostly disrespect.
                          So telling me you wish I get 20% more rain and fail is what have a nice day comment.
                          Come on combine forum really.

                          This is a page that shows whats going on in Ag in Canada without the sugar coating. Its from farmers in all areas that have good crops, excellent crops, shit shows, disasters and no crop.
                          Its a great place to see things before they make the news.
                          Ever wonder where reporters get their info for articles or radio spots.
                          So for me I like it yes some cut people down hell some times it just pisses me off comments and you go after some one. That I understand but this site does offer info that farmers need.
                          or look at and decide them selves.
                          Have a great day, suns out and no rain.


                            No not really SF3. Agriville is mostly an entertainment site and viewed by media as such.


                              Sf3 your like a "Troll magnet".
                              Many of your posts beg to be trolled.
                              But I have to say I respect you opinions as well thought out and great for stimulating discussion.
                              Agriville is a terrible host with all the active ads and poor format.
                              The good cross section of producers,suppliers, and academics makes it worth checking out.
                              Tweety just comes for the entertainment. Definitely a stereotype troll.


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