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Alberta Election Defection... desolving the Wildrose...

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    Alberta Election Defection... desolving the Wildrose...

    Ezra/TheRebel.media has some hard words for 'Conservatives' in Alberta!!!

    Danielle's recent Alberta Election.... The 4 twitter tweets...that are not fair... but a PC Prentice spin on bad political move for all involved!!!

    1)MLA's don't have meaningful roles in opposition???? We needed Less floor crossings???

    WHO WAS IN CHARGE!!! A thoughtful spin on betrayal by opposition leader Danielle???

    2) Conservatives need to reunite... we would Be In trouble if progressives united first!!!
    The fruit From Danielle's crafty move;..we got the worst budget in decades... because of the dissolution she caused...

    3) Danille tried to reunite Conservatives?
    How could a Disreputable move by Danielle Smith... resulting in PC Prentice bringing in a budget with over 50 tax increases... and retain crafty PC patronage which left this issue untouched in upper AB gov... Which Danielle clearly identified as unacceptable management... reunite true Conservatives...???
    Instead This will drive ND and Progressives forward!!!! Ahead in the polls!

    4) Personally Danielle wanted a Wildrose PC coalition....

    As Ezra points out... Danielle didn't try to form a coalition... she switched parties... not negotiating a needed change in management... and treaty with PC's... from a position of strength!... Betrayal and surrender...

    Time for exile Danielle??? Danielle wants a Conservative job now???? After this?

    Thanks Ezra and TheRebel.media!!!

    I don't understand. Weren't you telling us just a few weeks ago that Danielle still had great things to offer? Have your views been swayed by that "great intellectual" Ezra? LOL


      From which direction is the wind blowing today?


        We can thank her for every ndp vote outside of redmonton. Time will tell who bought her.


          We can thank her for exposing her stupidity and weakness in leadership.
          She is history and the Wild Rosies may be as well after the election.

          Ezra??? Another right-wing idiot always looking to stir up trouble.


            Really blackpowder? I thought the rural redneck voters in AB were made of sterner stuff. Go from voting WR to NDP because of Danielle? I doubt it. More likely to go back to their roots and vote PC.


              She might not have been that bad to look at but **** was she stupid.

              Now that could be about Danielle smith or a quote from my younger drinking days.

              Some things don't change.



                Who listens to Ezra. Ever check his "facts"?


                  Rebel.media looks promising.

                  Ezra Levant never pulls any punches.


                    Well he must be honest Stevie paid him to write fiction for Duffy and look where that ended up. Stunned news went broke. Maybe he's advising the wild roses. Incredible track record. Hahaha



                      LOL... voting PC is voting ND! What do you think that budget was... ND Notley only needs to add two percent tax increases on Corps... and presto... the ND budget light!

                      Why do you think Prentice and Notley were having such a smiling 'love in' on Debates Thurs night! Just a little lovers quarrel to spice things up!!


                        Most of the time I ignore Ezra's rants, this time he is certainly correct that Danielle did this out of self interest.

                        Albertans can chose between a tired 44 year old government that has proven it can't manage our money,or you can vote NDP who will try to balance the budget by taxing big business or you can vote Wildrose who believe in a less top heavy government. Personally I am glad to see Danielle gone and I am looking forward to a positive election result for the Wildrose!!


                          That's hilarious, you are so obsessed with labelling people socialist and reds you ignore the facts.
                          Prentice was Big Oils appointment, he was right wing enough that they no longer felt the need to support their puppet party the Wildrose so they collapsed it.
                          If the Prentice run PC was good enough for Big Oil how could they possibly be the same as the NDP who you always label as unelectable socialists communists?


                            People tired of the PCs voted Wildrose.
                            If disgusted enough will abstain from voting. Leaving the die hard voters. PC & NDP.



                              Speaking of obsessed... Grin!

                              Reality is real...as is PC/ ND political philosophy!

                              If Alberta voters want an ND style gov... they will choose it... does not matter what I or Ezra think or say on Agriville or any place else like TheRebel.media!

                              Ezra's comments were/are real and heart felt fair comment on our situation in Alberta!

                              The Alberta people WILL choose!

                              And the citizens always get the government they elect!!!



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