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Alberta Looking in the Mirror...

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    Alberta Looking in the Mirror...

    Alberta Premier Prentice told Alberta Voters to "Look in the Mirror" when it comes to this AB PC election referendum with 59 tax hikes (over 2 B$..all about management of this province!

    I wonder what effect this statement will have on the tone and outcome of this May 5th Election. My gut tells me it will be historic:

    235,000 plus folks already voted... a historic turnout in advance polls... the date may well have something to do with this.

    Having Fun in Alberta!!

    Who has more fun than us!!!


    Saskatchewan will be the place to move to if you guys vote in a NDP government!
    They will destroy Alberta!
    Get the vote out never let them win!
    Corporate tax increase
    PST coming
    Lots of shit jobs for useless NDP supporters in management rolls and front line flunkies!
    Lots of sask die hard NDPs moving trucks head to Alberta!
    Good luck Alberta phone a Saskatchewan or Manitoban that's had and has these guys before you vote!


      To me NDP is like whiskey....some in the mix is good....but a whole glass is trouble ;-)


        Thank you Alberta!
        Your politics have been super interesting the last year or so. First the Wild Rose party commits political hari kari. Then the totally unexpected increase in popularity of the NDP. Most interesting.
        I have always said there will never be an NDP government in Alberta. I still believe that but I would never have expected what has happened so far.
        I predict a PC majority government


          Get out and vote for the NDP and show the PCs the friggin door. 44 years of their crap...about time to ditch the beggars. Why we haven't done it before?...that is the question.

          Screwed up electrical distribution, billing and governance. We used to have one of the cheapest electrical rates...now it is the second highest in North America. Screwed up health system from the bottom to the top of the system. Hospitals over-utilized and infrastructure falling apart from lack of maintenance. Screwed up royalties on gas and oil. Screwed up highway maintenance and construction priorities. Millions of dollars pissed away in trade offices all over the world. Tourism promotion and contracts going to "friends of the government". Millions wasted over the years in getting the CWB demolished. Millions wasted in BSE research which has seen little or no results. Serious shortage of beds for chronically ill seniors.

          Millions wasted in Washington DC trying to get pipelines to Texas so that FOREIGN-owned corps. can export our dirty bitumen. Why our government is a lobbyist for big business, I'll never know.

          On and on she goes...a never-ending list of miss-management.


            Just thought I'd share a secret with you, Will:

            Alberta is the provincial jewel of Canada. And Canadians get green-eyed when they go to Alberta. Tis a wonder. pars


              parsley: When you live here you know all the dirty little secrets...and you get to experience some of the effects of government policy.

              I am approaching my eighth decade here, and I have a very good memory and I don't forget or FORGIVE the a**holes who changed some of the policies for the worst. I see one of them every month or so and he looks quite prosperous and content. He reminds me a lot of old Quisling although they placed him in front of a firing squad.


                Not perfect by a long ways. And where is the Land of Perfect? That very Alberta government policy has brought roads that are a wonder. A standard of living that is unbelievable. Wages that make Maritimers gasp. Attitudes that make people believe they can excell. Good houses. Generosity. Skills the world adopts. Innovation that is recognized world-wide. The province that is building industry isn't perfect , but it sure beats Baltimore. We just need to tip a few back, will, and you will mellow a bit. Pars


                  Parsley - you were here a year ago. A lot has changed since then. Those high paying oil patch jobs - gone. Glad you travelled on some good pavement, but I could find you many more that would loosen your discs. And most of that fresh blacktop is paid for with borrowed money. Those fancy houses, pickups and toys - lots on the market all of a sudden. House sales in Calgary have plummeted. A 2% interest increase would be the eighties all over again. All that glitters here is not gold. It's all debt financed on the promise of bigger and better paycheques tomorrow. And outside of Vancouver and Toronto we have the highest cost of living here. Thanks for visiting though.
                  My point is that Brian Jean has hit the nail on the head. We don't have a revenue problem but a spending problem. And terribly expensive and inefficient Governance. And Wildrose have identified 2 billion dollars per year in direct subsidies to Corporations which they would cease immediately. The misuse of public funds has become an entrenched part of the PC dynasty where major corporate donors are directly rewarded with tax payer funds on untendered contracts and under the table deals. Case in point - $7 million dollars to the operators of Kananaskis Golf Course for lost profits since the 2013 floods. Good party donors: disclosed through Freedom of Information request. Just one example.
                  By now you should understand I'm hoping for at least a Wildrose minority but I don't see that happening. Should the NDP win, for 4 years I could live with that. In some ways, they're to the right of the PC's.
                  But the status quo is unacceptable. 4 Premiers in 4 years. Gross mismanagement. Too much patronage. Too many special deals with special 'friends'. Folks, I don't fear the NDP as much as the NDP that's been running the Province for the last 10 years. And Pars, don't give too much credit to the Government for your favourable viewpoint of Alberta. Most of the credit belongs to average Albertans.


                    Btw everyone. Jim is "just visiting".


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