Parsley - stop picking on me! Looks like the polls were right after all. Like I said- "Jim was just visiting". The most surprising thing to me is how Calgary went orange. Never saw that coming. Congrats to Brian Jean who has been leader of the WR for just 37 days, suffered a personal tragedy, but became stronger and stronger as the campaign moved on. I am pleased to announce that my new MLA is Derek Fildebrandt, WR. Prentice lost because of his sheer arrogance and the fact he called an election just because the opposition appeared to be down and out. Albertans called "bullshit". Enough was enough! I hope this ushers in a new spirit of Democracy for Alberta where all parties get together and work for Albertans and not just their parties and supporters. Oh, and guess what? The sun came up this morning and the law of gravity still applies. You Sask guys - don't waste your time building camps. Nobody is leaving!
No announcement yet.
Alberta Looking in the Mirror...