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Missing the point

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    Missing the point

    Alberta DID NOT choose the NDP platform. They voted out the PCs. Albertans across the province, even in Calgary were fed up with the arrogance and waste of this tired party. The vote was for anyone but the PCs. Rural voters were scared of the NDP and so voted Wildrose. Vice versa for the urban voters. This is proven when you see the PCs were actually second in most ridings with a strong NDP or Wildrose win followed by the PC and then the remaining party was well behind. You are missing the point of the election if you think this was an endorsement of either wild rose or ndp platforms.

    That said, if Notley realizes this and enacts a middle of the road, Lougheed style economic policy the NDP could be very successful in Alberta and we may see an NDP dynasty like we did for the PCs and Social Credit before them.

    I doubt we will see radical change in Alberta anytime soon. The entrenched bureaucracy will act as a brake on change for a long time.

    More importantly, I see exactly the same distaste for the Harper government as there was for Alberta PCs. Unless Harper changes course very quickly we will see exactly the same type of protest vote and have either a Liberal or NDP federal government.

    If Alberta can vote NDP, I can assure you the country can dump Harper.


    I agree. Many Many people will be looking in the mirror... for a good long time... and for very good reasons.

    ... Humble pie is best eaten Before looking in the mirror... and having 7 years of bad luck... stare back at you!!!


      Either way get ready for several crown corporations being created in Alberta.

      Alberta Oil?
      Alberta Spudco?



        There is no such thing as 'Bad Luck'!

        We are responsible for the choices we make... the seeds that are sown, and the harvest that results.

        Anyone who disputes these facts... is 'Missing the point'!


          We already are paying for a new refinery here in Alberta... that is costing 10 times as much to build as any other oil refinery in history!!! And the PC's did this... and Alberta Tax payers are already paying for it. As with the 17B$ Power grid upgrade... that goes nowhere!


            the voters said, "enough is enough."



              "There is no such thing as 'Bad Luck'!

              We are responsible for the choices we make... the seeds that are sown, and the harvest that results.

              Anyone who disputes these facts... is 'Missing the point"'!

              So Tom why are you on your hunger strike then? You seem to be blaming everyone else for the Writ on your land. The main one the Alberta Class Action Legislation.

              Tom I guess your own sub conscious knows you are responsible for this mess.


                Oliver...wished we still owned our power company..use to be the lowest rate and now we are amongst the highest for power charges. Many things have been paid for by the tax payers, but a corp owns them. If this is left winged, so be it!


                  dml, I agree with your post particularly the fact that radical change won't happen in 4 years due to entrenched bureaucracy, that's increasingly the way of the world.
                  What we really must not hope for is that this is the start of another dynasty. If we yearn for that we have learnt nothing. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Nice to have broken that cycle in AB, lets not rush back to repeat it.


                    If mlas start telling beaucrats what to do things might start to correct.

                    If the beaucracy is to blame then fire them. Some should bear the weight of what happened. Same goes in saskatchewan - they are following alberta's lead of corruption.


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