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AB Taxpayers pay for Prentice/Liberal Consultants!

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    AB Taxpayers pay for Prentice/Liberal Consultants!

    May 08, 2015

    EXCLUSIVE: Documents show Jim Prentice hired Liberal Party speechwriters
    Ezra Levant
    Rebel Blogger

    Access to information documents from the Government of Alberta show that Jim Prentice, Alberta’s last Progressive Conservative premier, hired the Liberal speechwriting firm of Feschuk Reid to write his speeches.

    Scott Feschuk was Paul Martin’s campaign speechwriter and Scott Reid was Martin’s chief of staff.

    Feschuk Reid signed a contract for $18,000 with the Government of Alberta, but only billed $5,600 against it. The two-month contract ended March 31, 2015, seven days before the writ was dropped.

    It’s tempting to be upset that an Alberta premier hired Ottawa insiders, but given the disastrous results for Prentice, millions of Albertans have felt an unfamiliar feeling: gratitude toward the Liberal Party of Canada.

    It is also the only recorded case in history of an Ottawa Liberal billing less than a contract allowed them to be paid.

    JOIN TheRebel.media for more news and commentary you won’t find anywhere else.

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    http://www.therebel.media/exclusive_documents_show_jim_prentice_hired_libera l_party_speechwriters?utm_campaign=abelection5&utm _medium=email&utm_source=therebel

    I love it when a story has a happy ending!!! EXpremier Prentice... you are a King of Spin!!!

    Wonderful that Alberta Voters are much brighter than your Liberal Consultants!!!

    "“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the
    gospel of envy, the inherent virtue of which is equal sharing of misery.”
    Winston Churchill


      Tom are you saying that for the past 44 years socialists ruled Alberta ?? I thought the greed corruption, arrogance and entitlement was caused by conservatives??


        Since we are quoting British Prime Ministers: "the problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money."

        Margaret Thatcher


          Looking at the history books leads to the following; Expropriation without compensation, redistribution to the state, and state control of assets.

          This is NOT what the majority of PC leaders did in Alberta. Redford and Prentice were of a different fiscal regime... Premier Prentice particularly of spending by borrowing from future generations while increasing taxes on the rest of Alberta.

          From Wiki on Socialism; "The Bolsheviks became the most influential force in the soviets, and on 7 November, the capitol of the provisional government was stormed by Bolshevik Red Guards in what afterwards known as the "Great October Socialist Revolution". The rule of the provisional government was ended and the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic - the world's first constitutionally socialist state - was established. On 25 January 1918, at the Petrograd Soviet, Lenin declared "Long live the world socialist revolution!"[74] He proposed an immediate armistice on all fronts, and transferred the land of the landed proprietors, the crown and the monasteries to the peasant committees without compensation.[75]"


            2002-2006 Alberta collected More from VLTs than from Oil Sands royalties !!!
            Tom if stealing from the poor (Albertans) and Giving to the Rich(oil companies) is a form of socialism?? Then your province has been practising it for a long time.
            44 years of secret handshakes are the Skeltons in the closets ,as in don't worry bout paying the royalty well catch you next time .
            Big oil was the puppet master,they were allowed to make the rules ,enforce the rules and do anything they want- except pay proper royalties


              The last versions of PC party had no similarities to Peter Lougheed's vision


                The last versions of the PC party in AB were carpetbaggers and opportunists and it took a long friggin' time before they were defeated. A lot of damage has been done...hopefully the new NDP government can repair some of it. Might take them a while but I'm sure they're up to it.


                  Alberta’s NDP leaders will be like kids running the candy store

                  Republish Reprint

                  Morris W. Dorosh, Special to Financial Post | May 7, 2015 4:39 PM ET
                  More from Special to Financial Post
                  Alberta NDP premier-elect Rachel Notley will have to create her cabinet out of a group of people without business experience.

                  Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian PressAlberta NDP premier-elect Rachel Notley will have to create her cabinet out of a group of people without business experience..



                  Alberta’s NDP: In Canadian history there has never been a less qualified cohort of legislators

                  It is no disgrace to be a teacher, or a social worker, or a laborer, or a student. But these are not the occupations from which capable political leaders generally emerge.

                  This is what the new NDP premier of Alberta will have to make a cabinet out of: nine teachers, seven nurses or medical assistants, five social workers, four full- or part-time union bosses, two NDP party apparatchiks, two students, two minor civil servants, an electrician, a bus driver, a yoga teacher, a shipper-receiver and at least one unemployed. And one lawyer, a labour lawyer, the premier. Zero small businessmen, executives, farmers, accountants, even serious academics. In the entire history of politics in Canada there has never been a less qualified cohort. The average age looks about 30. The kids will be running the candy store.

                  If the government of Alberta were a company its annual revenue of $44 billion would be $10 billion more than that of the biggest Canadian corporation, which is the Royal Bank. All businesses down to a fraction of this size must recruit and retain the best management talent to be found and pay accordingly. The decisions required for the proper running of Alberta are if anything more complex and difficult than those confronting any corporation, requiring maturity, experience, training, talent and judgement. Imagine a $100-million company whose top management is the new NDP cabinet.

                  The notion that just about anyone can be a successful minister of just about anything, or that it is a condition of democracy that ordinary people of no particular ability are to be in charge, may have been applicable in a simpler time but it is invalid today. It is the responsibility of every political party to present candidates convincingly and demonstrably qualified to manage the multi-billion enterprises of government. All parties fail to do so some or much of the time but such failure has never been seen before in these proportions.

                  Ezra Levant: Albertans wanted a broom, not a hammer and sickle
                  Terence Corcoran: What Notley should not do in Alberta


                  There is the idea that elected politicians do not need to be qualified to be ministers because the backbone of government is actually the permanent cadre of the senior civil service. This is a profoundly anti-democratic point of view. The top layer of uber-bureaucrats is answerable to no one if its function is to tell elected ministers what they should do. If deputy ministers and assistant deputy ministers are the ones really running things, why do we have elections? The mandarins are not there as representatives of the people. They are the mechanics and technicians who are supposed to oil, maintain and repair the government machine.

                  Imagine a $100-million company whose top management is the new NDP cabinet
                  Left wing causes do not attract or engage the most capable, creative or competent people, as participants, supporters or voters. Prerequisites to achievement in business and the professions are self-reliance and personal responsibility. The core of leftism is that the state exists to mitigate and if possible eliminate the consequences of the personal shortcomings of citizens. Individuals who achieve exceptional success and all businesses are the geese that lay the golden eggs that the NDP needs for redistribution to society’s losers. The bigger the business the bigger the hit, notwithstanding that private business and industry are the sole sources of new and old jobs, wealth creation, economic progress and living standard improvement.

                  It is not that Alberta voters should be surprised by what will happen next. During the campaign the NDP presented easily the most extreme left-wing platform since that of the so-called Liberal party of Ontario. The NDP will review (read raise) oil and gas royalties, increase the corporate tax rate to 12 per cent from 10 per cent, stick it to upper-income individuals, raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour from $10.20 within three years, withdraw support for essential oil pipeline projects, eliminate a health levy introduced by the previous government as a deficit control measure, massively expand government funded childcare and other welfare schemes and prohibit corporate donations to political parties.

                  If these folks do not exactly look like promise-keepers or if their platform seems slapped-together without the expectation that they would prevail, the unions, environmental radicals and the aboriginal industry will make them adhere to it. The idea that there is a different, enlightened, pragmatic kind of NDP is plain silly.

                  Morris W. Dorosh is president and publisher of Agriweek


                    BFW: What a load of HOGWASH.


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