It's simple Charlie. It is a premium product, canola oil, that may be difficult to source this year. Premiums will have to be paid to secure supplies. Kind of like durum this year, or lentils. Canola oil was a premium to soy, and can be. What's the best measure to use oil compare this premium?
The trade likes to commoditize everything, it's much easier to buy and ship in massive volumes out competing small medium sized companies, reducing competition. There are likely some contracts in place for new crop canola(sales ) it depends on how many tons grower contracts are in place and if they are long or short for this new crop. If they are long the price to the grower likely moves sooner than latter(that's today's conspiracy theory) the exporters want to maximize revenues as they have the last year or two. It might be more challenging if the crop is small and they have to genuinely compete with other exporters.
The trade likes to commoditize everything, it's much easier to buy and ship in massive volumes out competing small medium sized companies, reducing competition. There are likely some contracts in place for new crop canola(sales ) it depends on how many tons grower contracts are in place and if they are long or short for this new crop. If they are long the price to the grower likely moves sooner than latter(that's today's conspiracy theory) the exporters want to maximize revenues as they have the last year or two. It might be more challenging if the crop is small and they have to genuinely compete with other exporters.