Funny just jumped over to cbc saskatchewan and there's a story of fire bans and a map. Sorry no cut and paste from phone
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Ok boys how dry is it where you farm!
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Oh boy some of you have short memories. This is how farming is in western canada one rain away from a disaster it was not 8'years of huge moisture! Last week big rain in me if it would have been last year the 4 inches that Bismarck got would have been SE sask.
This is how I remember farming was in the 80 s 90 and up till 8 years ago!
June is our wettest month read its out their. Yes I'll need a nice rain come June and without it will suck here also!
This is farming not MUD!
Vwalk the non traditional canola area is the paliser triangle! But the last 8 to 10 it has opened that area up to canola!
Also Vwalk you couldn't find a farm if you were standing on one!
Yes tweety every one hates some one who says it like it is because they deep down don't want to here it! Welcome to western canada weather! We're not normally a rain forest! At least with a drought I won't keep feeding the leaches!
Just saying this is a normal spring read about weather in canada this is normal but if June is extreme dry then all bets are off!
A rain around JJune 10th and one in July will set us up for record yields here.
Ample sub soil moisture dry on top. Seeding is perfect.
Flax germinated in 2 days wheat in 3.
Never seen peas germ in 3 days but it's happening this year.
Our drill is giving us awesome weed control and along with a pass pre emerge fields are clean.
I love this year so far.
Vvalk there has always been a line. Ask the boys at dekalb bayer and Dow.
I recall a rep telling me if you grow lentils you shouldn't be growing canola... except for a strip between Colonsay and Davidson.
8 years of above average rainfall changed all that... but law of averages states we gotta go the other way at some point.
The trend that is not changing is the level of extremes we are facing. Higher high pressure systems lower low pressure systems drought flood no sun spots weaking magnetic shield. I wouldn't bet on anything
Sask3. What do you mean by couldn't find a farm if I was standing on one? Are you saying I don't farm? Not sure if you really want to get in a pissing match when you don't even know me.
Krause the area you guys talk about in SW sask and SE Alberta is that big where you should be be growing canola if that's even right to begin with. If your land is so traditional why could you buy up land out there for $250 an acre not 8 years ago.
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