It has been a while. I remember the nice warm dry summers as a kid in the 80's, and playing outside and not feeling hot when it was 30 plus. Heck the last decade, it hardly ever hit 30. And then the damp, high humidity years came, and when it hit 22, I was dying out there.
But on Saturday, I hopped out of the tractor, ran to the house for a phone call, (try harder to share the cell service, SaskTel), and checked the thremometer on the north side of the house in the shade. 27 degrees C, she said.
I was not hot, I was not sticky, I was not breaking a sweat.
It has been a long time. Welcome back, prairie weather, goodbye Amazon heat!!!
But on Saturday, I hopped out of the tractor, ran to the house for a phone call, (try harder to share the cell service, SaskTel), and checked the thremometer on the north side of the house in the shade. 27 degrees C, she said.
I was not hot, I was not sticky, I was not breaking a sweat.
It has been a long time. Welcome back, prairie weather, goodbye Amazon heat!!!