What mustard says. Plus why not find someone to do your VR that's gets it. It's about putting resources where they are needed according to the probability of seeing a return. Hint...the Commercial guys don't get it.
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Mustard your land may be similar to mine. One end of drill may be on hillptop other.end on bottom. so on 10,000 acre farm if you purchase 2 drills the extra cost is 200 grand Plus plus. 4 years later the 200 grand is worthless cause it's a mechanics nightmare.
We have installed a blockage monitor system that shows the problems in air velocity and balance on air systems.
It works very well and shows not only individual blockage problems on each opener... but as well the air velocity differences between each secondary run on the air seeder. Runs on an iPad with monitors connected wirelessly to the iPad. Power supply required to each tower... then signal sent back through router to the iPad in the cab as this video shows. We have 2 systems installed on a Conservapac the other on a Case/NH Precision 2070 opener system.
Works off change in air velocity measured at each sensor using a vacuum hose connected to the control module for each set of towers (20 per control module circuit/10 per tower x 2 for double shoot)
Since the wireless iPad system is totally separate from the seeder /variable rate systems... this runs along with any seeding system using air distribution for delivery of seed and or fertiliser to the openers. Each tower is numbered... each opener has a number on each control tower. I am running a Deere NH3 sectional control with VR capacity... the Case NH 1060cart 2070precision system is also on a Deere Autotrac with Trimble control running the VR on the seeder. Have fun... there are solutions!
Tom are saying you can even out the seeding rate Between towers with your system ?? {different primary hose lengths will give different seed rates to towers)
On combine forum there are postings on this very topic.
Very interesting. Thanks tj.
I beleive i may have bypassed thosr future problems with air as a pumping medium by going liquid this spring. As even a delivery as your sprayer. And temporary seasonal operators have far less trouble.
Air nursed planter type boxes gravity feeding each run with a liquid fert might be a next gen idea. Solve precision problems?
Flow monitors for diagnosis excellent.
My last operator was the best ive ever had. Good luck understanding what the monitors are really saying without enough experience.
Seeding will never fully be a paint by numbers operation. An artists feel based on experience will always do a little better.
Honestly im tired of trying to make an air system work perfectly.
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