gleaning info from my net history and now tailoring it to what i get in the form of Google news. is maddness.
i was wondering why in hell the Kardashians had any right to show up as news when i clicked google news.
but today i clued in as i saw Google news storys about ritche bro.s auction and a story on Trimble share prices droping.
the wife watches the Kard's
god knows why?
i am always checking ritches auction and looked stuff up on trimble. this spring.
they are feeding us our own crap as news.
isn't that kinda dangerous.
only telling us the stuff we want to hear.
( we will all end up like tom)
i have noticed the news on there had gone to hell.
now i know why
it is just plain wrong and to not tell us it is being done . is beyond words
i was wondering why in hell the Kardashians had any right to show up as news when i clicked google news.
but today i clued in as i saw Google news storys about ritche bro.s auction and a story on Trimble share prices droping.
the wife watches the Kard's
god knows why?
i am always checking ritches auction and looked stuff up on trimble. this spring.
they are feeding us our own crap as news.
isn't that kinda dangerous.
only telling us the stuff we want to hear.
( we will all end up like tom)
i have noticed the news on there had gone to hell.
now i know why
it is just plain wrong and to not tell us it is being done . is beyond words