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How Many Carry Crop Insurance of Any type!

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    Well well well. Carrying grain over is a form of risk management after all.

    Funny how all the former farmers turned "market advisers" have been saying for years you need to forward contract most of your grain before harvest

    Can't wait to see them weasel outta this one

    Clear for departure


      agristability does still cover negative margins. in fact they've increased the payout from 60% to 70%. however, the limited reference margin on expenses has gutted the program in a lot of cases and the trigger is now 70% of the reference margin so most payments are way less.


        We have MB crop insurance. There's just too much risk these days between excess moisture springs and now frost/reseed issues. While coverage isn't great, it helps if peril hits. It's really not bad value when we only pay a third of the actual cost.

        Don't expect to see higher coverage for the same or less money. That would no doubt violate trade agreements.

        We dropped AgStability. It just never worked with the cattle here.

        Those who thought they could self insure (high equity they thought) got really kicked in the nards a couple of years ago when huge acres in this area were too wet to seed.


          Even if you have high equity, the capital outlay required to produce a crop is huge. Couldn't afford too many kicks in the nards. Everybody is in a different boat.


            crop ins . at 70 % , canola at 80 , wouldn't be without it ! we carry about $150 hail ins. , collect every 2nd or 3rd year . wouldn't be without it . definetly carry agriinvest but got rid of Agra stability . hailed out on 20 quarters about 4 years back , no payout . looks to me if you carry ins . for everything ,agriinvest is a waste of time . least it was for us . and getting more of a waste every year and we had a very good margin . was good for our acct , though


              I find our crop ins people here very good to work with and seem to want to see our farm survive also . have also helped us out with some tough decisions, cutworms , frost , reseeding , etc. sometimes good to have some input from someone else who is knowledgable and away from the operation . I think it is worth every cent


                For the most part I have dropped out of crop insurance and went with GARS.(elected one crop and bought too wet to seed coverage) I moved from Davidson to Churchbridge and am being totally ripped off with my coverage at SCIC, to keep experience discount they said I had to use my Davidson coverage number rather than the area average in my new location. I end up with what is probably the worst coverage on the entire eastern side of Saskatchewan.

                Am in AgriInvest but have dropped out of Agristability.


                  Old margins with agrisatbility mean nothing with the new formula. My coverage dropped by 65% with the new calculations so with crop insurance completely useless. Free wheat what do you mean it means nothing if he got 32 bus or anywhere in that range. If that's what "too" much rain gets you and you call that a disaster maybe your guys land should be worth $4000 an acre. Just calling out the complete bullshit by some on here about how bad too wet is. Talk to people right now who are dry and see what they would be happy with. 25 bus would be fantastic right now for many


                    Vwalk, I'm sure saskfarmer was not the only one to pull a rabbit out of a hat concidering the shitty hand we were dealt the last few years. By the tone of your comments it looks like it's your turn for a shitty hand. Not to many guys got 32 bus/ac out in the flood zone. Good agronomic practices got him that and good for him. For those that burnt and worked you will find out how shitty things can be.


                      Breadwinner you basically make my point. You need water to make a crop. Management makes a difference in what you get. When there is no rain or water whatsoever there is nothing to be done. Nothing. So what if 1/3 of you farm gets flooded out. The other 1/3 is fantastic and the other 1/3 is average. Makes for an average crop and rally better then average really right 32 bus! And no I am not dry but many friends are. Beside those who literally have most of their farm under actual water too wet is never close to drought. And one other thing look at the reserve moisture you come into a year after too much rain. Can grow a great crop with very little rain. With drought you essentially need a monsoon to get back to normal. Lastly the hypocrosy is really thick this year with sf3. Last year he was bitchin about how insensitive people were talking about having good crops when everyone in the flood zone was having such bad 32 bus canola crops


                        Vvalk: ONE year of a decent crop, does not make up for FOUR years of ZERO, two years of less than 20, and 2 years of high 20's. Talking canola here. Had some oats go 30. 30 times 1.80 sucks a bit too. Last year was a transition year out east here. It was finally closer to long term averages.

                        You really do have no idea, and that is fine. Just like I have no idea how rough it must be to be droughted out, ( who knows, maybe this year we will too!), but then I bet you never have been for 9 years running, have you? I thought not.


                          By the way. Breadwinner, how are you holding out down there? Haven't seen you in a bit.


                            Busy with too many coaching duties, enjoying the mud free seeding and ball season. Getting a shower every evening from all the evaporation out west. How can life get any better.


                              Wow breadwinner. What a douche bag comment. Shows your character!


                                If you dish it out you better be able to take it.


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