This morning I am reading about why wheat has had a better run lately and its due to El nino and Australia potential dry pattern. Yet here in Dear old Canada Its every thing is awesome from one end of Canada to the other, nothing to see move on and lets hope and pray it rains.
It just frosts me that in this country the wet years were never really told. It was just one area that had lots of water not much production lost.
Now I know its dry in lots of Alberta Sask and Northern Manitoba and west side.
But in Canada its business as usual. Great conditions etc etc.
WTF is all I have to say why cant our crop conditions ever be told for what they are. Not yes their is a few that need rain in the next few weeks but so far were doing great.
Again WTF.
Why cant we get our shit right on this side of the border when it comes to AG.
Does any one else feel our crop reporting is awful.
It just frosts me that in this country the wet years were never really told. It was just one area that had lots of water not much production lost.
Now I know its dry in lots of Alberta Sask and Northern Manitoba and west side.
But in Canada its business as usual. Great conditions etc etc.
WTF is all I have to say why cant our crop conditions ever be told for what they are. Not yes their is a few that need rain in the next few weeks but so far were doing great.
Again WTF.
Why cant we get our shit right on this side of the border when it comes to AG.
Does any one else feel our crop reporting is awful.