The smeitah is a 4000 year old covenent that the land is to be given a break or sabath every seven years. Its not only a smeitah year its the 7th smeitah year making 2015/16 a jubilee year or super smeitah. When all debts are to be realeased and land returned to rightful family even if sold. We have had stock market crashes and dry years every previous 7 years. 2008 crash, 2001 dot com bust, 1994 bond bubble burst, 1987 stock market crash....
This is also said to be the 70th jubilee year or 70 sets of 7s that Daniel prophetically warned about in the bible. Drought, famines, war...
On top of this its the year of the four tetrads or bloodmoons (lunar eclipse) that all land on jewish feast days. An extremely rare event said to mark the beginning of tribulation.
Not a good omen for our crops.
This is also said to be the 70th jubilee year or 70 sets of 7s that Daniel prophetically warned about in the bible. Drought, famines, war...
On top of this its the year of the four tetrads or bloodmoons (lunar eclipse) that all land on jewish feast days. An extremely rare event said to mark the beginning of tribulation.
Not a good omen for our crops.