Braveheart,only mention to forget the Pope because you threw a little hissy fit on other matters than global warming and climate change.
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Pope Francis addresses Global Warming
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Braveheart, it's just not true to say China and India are the big polluters - yes, you see some primitive systems belching smoke and toxins over there but their fuel usage/C02 production per person is miniscule compared to North America.
Agree with your thoughts on the Church of Rome though - I've no time for it.
Forage farmer, I do not feel any human with a brain would think that humans do not affect the planet. But thinking we are affecting climate, is a lot rich. If the pope feels we can change the climate, and prevent catastrophe, great, good for him. But he is mistaken and confused. Maybe he should actually read his Bible, and he would realize that climate will be the far least of our concerns. Maybe he should start reading his Bible, and start working on some of the concerns it mentions will one day happen, and try to deal with them???
Me thinks he is not reading his Bible, which is quite interesting for a fellow who is supposed to be so well versed in it's contents, huh?
So let me get this straight. Most people here want people to accept GMO's because science has proven their safety. Yet out of the same mouth you say global warming is fiction and the scientists don't know what they are talking about. So what is it do we trust science and scientists or not. You guys a f'n insane
sure lets get the popes vast scientific
and make our decisions based on it .
i am not saying he is wrong.
i don't know.
while we are at it , why not hear Peter Griffin from Family guy.
He's got Lois for a wife.
so he probably talks to god once in a while too.
better get 2 informed opinions
before we do anything drastic
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