Ok this is interesting as our weather from the last 13 years is pounding America. Pictures of combines driving in mud to harvest a winter wheat crop. Now a custom harvesting crew I follow has just added tracs on their Deeres to keep harvesting. See you sink a foot and can keep going.
Now Corn loves water and can sit in water if it is big enough. Soy likes to live right up to water but some pictures are showing low areas are getting bigger. Grade quality is going down hill and Seeding of Soy is basically at a stand still. Boy all these things look like us in the past. Now on the the North side or close to the border its dry. So once the blocker breaks down will we get the moisture or is this the summer that never was.
Markets are reacting to the news but funny most companies have skipped the July Canola month and are on to November.
Trying or thinking of getting out of a contract companies are saying wait and see. Yea that means its dry we know it and you will pay lots to get out of that contract later so wait we love these phony baloney contracts where its all grain companies and farmers mean shit all.
So prices are up on USA seeding delays of Soy and Up on Wheat as guess what grades have issues due to excess water. Lets see hot June temps in USA and Water equals what?
Ah farming where all the toys advisors additives at Farm Progress to give you bigger better crops mother nature still picks the winners and losers.
Enjoy the show and watch the sky's.
Now Corn loves water and can sit in water if it is big enough. Soy likes to live right up to water but some pictures are showing low areas are getting bigger. Grade quality is going down hill and Seeding of Soy is basically at a stand still. Boy all these things look like us in the past. Now on the the North side or close to the border its dry. So once the blocker breaks down will we get the moisture or is this the summer that never was.
Markets are reacting to the news but funny most companies have skipped the July Canola month and are on to November.
Trying or thinking of getting out of a contract companies are saying wait and see. Yea that means its dry we know it and you will pay lots to get out of that contract later so wait we love these phony baloney contracts where its all grain companies and farmers mean shit all.
So prices are up on USA seeding delays of Soy and Up on Wheat as guess what grades have issues due to excess water. Lets see hot June temps in USA and Water equals what?
Ah farming where all the toys advisors additives at Farm Progress to give you bigger better crops mother nature still picks the winners and losers.
Enjoy the show and watch the sky's.