Well from all those I talk to that farm in western Canada their is a huge area that has issues and a very very small area that actually has not many or none.
Yesterday at farm progress show one exhibitor said at the end of the day your the only guy who is happy or has a not bad crop that I talked to all day. One guy showed me a picture his wife sent him of his fields from a hail storm yesterday. It didn't rain much in Regina.
So I guess Ill dedicate this report to Furrow. It is not back to a normal year.
This week in Ag.
Well yesterday was the beginning of the Farm Progress Show. Funny the Big old HoneyBee tractor from 1978 was the most spectacular thing I saw. They had the old girl rebuilt and was running. You can even crawl into the cab and have a look around to see what it felt like from the drivers seat.
Their is some really big equipment. Bourg has a slim Jim and a 1300 bus tank.
Case Use no fuel. New Holland had a sales teams set up from all dealers in province. Deere is playing catch up with Tanks, Drills and Quads. Cat massey and Gleaner show their new company. Plus lots and lots of other stuff.
Well what a week of funny funny weather. Both Drew and Environment Canada said 60% chance of Rain. Well I guess it really is 40% chance your not going to get any meaningful rain.
Hrs in our area is sprayed and is closing in. Lots are wondering their next step. Winter Wheat did have leaf disease but that's winter wheat. Time will tell. Lots did add a Leaf Fungicide to their chemical. We have some Yellowing on ours as the cocktail I used got a little warm. Yes I did make a mistake. Wild oats is dead, Roots are going down just need a little rain to take to next step. I am dropping the rating one point as a rain will be nice before the end of the month to keep the yield potential their. If it is missed by next crop report or the one after that the ratings will start to drop fast.
Canola Wow it is still moving along nice the rows are closing in we have Cabbage. Some thing our area hasn't seen in 10 years. When your swimming you keep your head up and that's what Canola did in the past bolted to get seed set and die.
I am leaving our rating for this week but a nice drink will take us well on our way to the next level. I would say were close to what was seen on the weekend by Winnipeg. Maybe their a week ahead. We will have some bolting early next week or by Sunday. I don't want to throw a curse on this crop as Hail is out of control this year when rain actually comes to some. Yesterday is the prime example. Cool funny day and hail with little rain. Reseeded canola in other area I drove through is trying to come up but a couple tents wont move it that far along. Flowering in July heat still doesn't work well if your stressed for water. These new varieties were produced in Wet years time will tell.
Peas our area still has some of the best pea fields I have seen in all my travels. They need a drink also in the next few weeks to keep them coming along. Flowering will start next week. All are sprayed only issue is don't over spray your peas or double up.
Flax is also coming very good and some have sprayed or it is the next on their agenda.
Early barley is Wow and will be thinking about putting out heads next week. Now that is one crop that needs a drink. Trying to head in extreme heat or drought it might not make it out of the boot. Time will tell. Late is filling in nice and is my last stuff to spray.
Oats is one crop I'm not that happy with as it was seeded later and the farm it is on has had a little less rain than the Inch the rest of our crops got in the two showers. Time will tell but it is slow. Haven't sprayed yet but the burn off did a really good job.
Soy is up has rows and has been sprayed. Fun to watch this as always.
Other crops in our area. Winter wheat is headed but has the odd leaf disease issue. Guys who always grow sprayed.
Corn is up nice rows and coming very good. Burn off worked well not sprayed yet.
So to sum up the week were sitting nice for now with moisture but could use a drink in the next two weeks. Lots of sub soil that the crops are living off. Stick a knife into the ground and you have mud on the end of the blade.
Rain makes grain in a year like this. Rain makes mud in the last 10 years where a day like yesterday would have given us 3 plus inches and more today.
I know the stress level is high in Rural Sask and else where from frosts and drought and hail and rain. It is farming like lots told me over the years so dig down deep and quit complaining. I for one never will say to a farmer quit complaining its farming. Weather is the number one factor that controls a farm. All the stuff at farm progress helps you achieve a good crop if conditions are favorable. You can have the newest best equipment or the oldest mother nature still picks the ones who have good and those who have poor.
To many organizations and Politicians told Farmers young and Old that the new norm for Agriculture in Canada was the last five Years or more.
Well Mother Nature still is the Ultimate Bitch in charge.
So be safe and careful its only a farm that the markets wont ever pay fair money for your troubles. Family is first and the farm should be second or third.
I hope, No Pray that you all get a rain soon to even this crop out across all of western Canada. Have a great week.
Yesterday at farm progress show one exhibitor said at the end of the day your the only guy who is happy or has a not bad crop that I talked to all day. One guy showed me a picture his wife sent him of his fields from a hail storm yesterday. It didn't rain much in Regina.
So I guess Ill dedicate this report to Furrow. It is not back to a normal year.
This week in Ag.
Well yesterday was the beginning of the Farm Progress Show. Funny the Big old HoneyBee tractor from 1978 was the most spectacular thing I saw. They had the old girl rebuilt and was running. You can even crawl into the cab and have a look around to see what it felt like from the drivers seat.
Their is some really big equipment. Bourg has a slim Jim and a 1300 bus tank.
Case Use no fuel. New Holland had a sales teams set up from all dealers in province. Deere is playing catch up with Tanks, Drills and Quads. Cat massey and Gleaner show their new company. Plus lots and lots of other stuff.
Well what a week of funny funny weather. Both Drew and Environment Canada said 60% chance of Rain. Well I guess it really is 40% chance your not going to get any meaningful rain.
Hrs in our area is sprayed and is closing in. Lots are wondering their next step. Winter Wheat did have leaf disease but that's winter wheat. Time will tell. Lots did add a Leaf Fungicide to their chemical. We have some Yellowing on ours as the cocktail I used got a little warm. Yes I did make a mistake. Wild oats is dead, Roots are going down just need a little rain to take to next step. I am dropping the rating one point as a rain will be nice before the end of the month to keep the yield potential their. If it is missed by next crop report or the one after that the ratings will start to drop fast.
Canola Wow it is still moving along nice the rows are closing in we have Cabbage. Some thing our area hasn't seen in 10 years. When your swimming you keep your head up and that's what Canola did in the past bolted to get seed set and die.
I am leaving our rating for this week but a nice drink will take us well on our way to the next level. I would say were close to what was seen on the weekend by Winnipeg. Maybe their a week ahead. We will have some bolting early next week or by Sunday. I don't want to throw a curse on this crop as Hail is out of control this year when rain actually comes to some. Yesterday is the prime example. Cool funny day and hail with little rain. Reseeded canola in other area I drove through is trying to come up but a couple tents wont move it that far along. Flowering in July heat still doesn't work well if your stressed for water. These new varieties were produced in Wet years time will tell.
Peas our area still has some of the best pea fields I have seen in all my travels. They need a drink also in the next few weeks to keep them coming along. Flowering will start next week. All are sprayed only issue is don't over spray your peas or double up.
Flax is also coming very good and some have sprayed or it is the next on their agenda.
Early barley is Wow and will be thinking about putting out heads next week. Now that is one crop that needs a drink. Trying to head in extreme heat or drought it might not make it out of the boot. Time will tell. Late is filling in nice and is my last stuff to spray.
Oats is one crop I'm not that happy with as it was seeded later and the farm it is on has had a little less rain than the Inch the rest of our crops got in the two showers. Time will tell but it is slow. Haven't sprayed yet but the burn off did a really good job.
Soy is up has rows and has been sprayed. Fun to watch this as always.
Other crops in our area. Winter wheat is headed but has the odd leaf disease issue. Guys who always grow sprayed.
Corn is up nice rows and coming very good. Burn off worked well not sprayed yet.
So to sum up the week were sitting nice for now with moisture but could use a drink in the next two weeks. Lots of sub soil that the crops are living off. Stick a knife into the ground and you have mud on the end of the blade.
Rain makes grain in a year like this. Rain makes mud in the last 10 years where a day like yesterday would have given us 3 plus inches and more today.
I know the stress level is high in Rural Sask and else where from frosts and drought and hail and rain. It is farming like lots told me over the years so dig down deep and quit complaining. I for one never will say to a farmer quit complaining its farming. Weather is the number one factor that controls a farm. All the stuff at farm progress helps you achieve a good crop if conditions are favorable. You can have the newest best equipment or the oldest mother nature still picks the ones who have good and those who have poor.
To many organizations and Politicians told Farmers young and Old that the new norm for Agriculture in Canada was the last five Years or more.
Well Mother Nature still is the Ultimate Bitch in charge.
So be safe and careful its only a farm that the markets wont ever pay fair money for your troubles. Family is first and the farm should be second or third.
I hope, No Pray that you all get a rain soon to even this crop out across all of western Canada. Have a great week.